
Artem | 2022-04-12 23:00:00 | Views: 10277874

AIMP v3.22 for Android

Minor update for mobile app version:
  • Fixed: general - unable to play files via smb protocol, if file path contains a @ character
  • Fixed: skin engine - album arts are scaled without anti-aliasing (regression)

AIMP v5.02

Cumulative update for AIMP v5.02:
  • Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved
  • Fixed: last selected path is not saved for some file dialogs
  • Fixed: playlists are displayed in different order from real one
  • Fixed: no way to authorize to discogs from countries that has UTC offset more that 3 hours
Fixes in skin-engine also affected to skin editor. If you using the skin editor, please download new version.

AIMP v5.03 Beta 1

Additionally, today we are starting public beta-testing of v5.03. Major feature of this release is native 64-bit support. Now player will be released in two editions: 32-bit and 64-bit.

Full list of changes in v5.03 you will find in our blog.

Please report about all issues via feedback form and our forum.

Please refer to the beta-testing rules topic before send bug reports, try as much as possible to describe in detail the situation in which the error occurred, or provide the steps to reproduce. Do not forget to mention the full version of the program.

Download test version.

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