Single photo can reveal a lot about person. How much does a regular screenshot can tell you?
We recently posted this question on social networks. Someone immediately guessed what the hint was about, someone did not. So, revealing the secrets:
AIMP for Windows
AIMP6! and it will become a cross-platform solution.
First of all, we focus on Russian’s Linux-based operating systems for the x86-64 architecture, all other distributives will be supported as far as possible.
Porting has been started in Jan 2024, currently we’ve ported the Runtime and Shared libraries that contains about 60% of our codebase. By the way, actual release v5.40 uses these cross-platform libraries.
There is still a lot of work to do. We planning to reach the public testing stage in 2025, and release the version in next year.
Preview (pre-alpha)
Internal alpha-testing. The app will looks same as an actual release, except of cross-platform codebase.
Public alpha-testing. Yes, first time in the project history we will have public alpha-testing.
For the beta version, we planning to update UI according to an actual trends in OS design. You should not expect anything drastic in UI – Charm UI has shown itself well and does not require replacement. In addition, it will include minor improvements to the existing functionality.
Release Candidate
Closer to the release, we will make the functionality of manual synchronization between copies of the player / with specified folder.
In 2026 year.
AIMP for Android
Pitch control and few minor tweaks for UI/UX.
Support for Android 16
Improvements for smart-playlists and operations with remote storages.
Synchronization with AIMP6.
* * *
Additionally to mobile AIMP, we planning to update the “audio cutter” addon to meet the requirements of modern Android and support of AIMP4 for mobile devices.
Ничоси, неужели на пинвиньей ОС смогу запустить мой любимый плеер. Готов дожить до этого момента!
Я знаю что это за намек. Сдесь используеться скорее все “Subsystem for linux” и сразу видно что сдесь используються значки из DE “Gnome” в теме “Yumi” (или как там). Я так понимаю будет нативный выпуск aimp на linux дистрибутивы и скорее всего графической библиотекой будет gnome, хотя может быть и выпуск на Qt.
Вообще говоря, чуть ниже под картинкой я все тайны раскрыл =)
Намек был на нативный запуск плеера на линуксе. На картинке, плеер был запущен на Alt.Linux с оболочкой Mate, да, иконки там гномовские.
Что касается тех.части, плеер строится на Gtk2+Cairo (Qt даже не рассматривали, по понятным причинам).