Download Center » AIMP for Android  | AIMP v4.12.1517Release date: 13.01.2025 Target OS: Android 6 (Marshmallow) - Android 15 Architecture: ARM64 / ARMv7 / x86-64 SHA256: ee604966e8b76f14fa99b018d6efef1b8cc1881980e13c60adcf0e5dadaeb0d9 MD5: 9633d32f27941632a2ee469d6551bad8
Attention! Application may works incorrectly on devices based on MIUI firmware
Required permissions:
Please refer to our privacy policy to get more information about all required and optional permissions and reasons to use it in the app.
* Unlimited (no-saf) is special version for OS that does not have a system app capable to grant file access rights. Use the unlimited version if you encounter an "activity not found" error on attempt to grant access rights.