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он зачем-то заменяет разделитель жанров с точки с запятой ( ; ) на слеш (/)
Поскольку единого мнения, чем должны разделяться множественные теги, как я понял, не существует
Существует, он прописан в стандарте
А можно ссылку на этот стандарт? Сколько искал, нигде не нашёл.
Для какого формата?
ID3v2.4 was published on November 1, 2000. It defines 83 frame types,[12] allows text frames to contain multiple values separated with a null byte, and permits the tag to be stored at either the beginning or the end of the file.[13]
The text information frames are often the most important frames, containing information like artist, album and more. There may only be one text information frame of its kind in an tag. All text information frames supports multiple strings, stored as a null separated list, where null is reperesented by the termination code for the charater encoding. All text frame identifiers begin with "T". Only text frame identifiers begin with "T", with the exception of the "TXXX" frame.
У меня ссылка почему-то не открывается - 404 Not Found
Но это касается ID3v2.4. Про то, какие разделители можно использовать в ID3v2.3 я ничего не нашёл.
В v2.2 и v2.3 используется "/".
TCOThe content type, which previously (in ID3v1.1) was stored as a one byte numeric value only, is now a numeric string. You may use one or several of the types as ID3v1.1 did or, since the category list would be impossible to maintain with accurate and up to date categories, define your own.References to the ID3v1 genres can be made by, as first byte, enter "(" followed by a number from the genres list and ended with a ")" character. This is optionally followed by a refinement, e.g. "(21)" or "(4)Eurodisco". Several references can be made in the same frame, e.g. "(51)(39)". If the refinement should begin with a "(" character it should be replaced with "((", e.g. "((I can figure out any genre)" or "(55)((I think...)". The following new content types is defined in ID3v2 and is implemented in the same way as the numerig content types, e.g. "(RX)".RX RemixCR CoverThis does not however mean that there always is numbers or RX or CR in the paranthesis. It might very well be a new format for genres in the future, e.g. "(/rock/hard)"
И всё-таки, возвращаясь к моему изначальному вопросу, я считаю не корректным, когда редактор тегов AIMP самостоятельно исправляет поля, в которых не было внесено никаких изменений