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Can you illustrate this effect on short video?
its the autosrooling feature on library and artist section, may i ask for an option to disable it enable it? i love the old behavior without automatic functions
What is autoscrolling feature? How to reproduce it?
well play a track and move the mouse over the album library and the artist section and you see the section to move (autoscrolling)
Can you illustrate this effect by short video?
this link may explain it better my friend.... (the point is that the app to not autoscrool to row but let the user do it) both on artist and library thats why is vital an option to disable it enable it, for the user tastes...
What option? What to disable? Library MUST restore your selection! Not scroll, not change, just keep what you have selected. If I disable this functionality, each library's change will scroll the list to top. I think that not so what you want to see. As described in the topic, I've not reproduced the "auto-scroll" behavior. So, I was not fixed it.
the automatic scrooling is anoying when you move the mouse on library or artist section
if not i can make a video of the issue
Oh my god... Please, can you explain what is autoscrolling are you talking about?! How to reproduce that?! I ask for short video, because I have no idea how to reproduce the behavior and what I should change in the app...
make video
https://idiod.video/7h6hp6.mp4Soolo, баг старый (я сам пару раз репортил, на 4-ке) на видосе проявляется рандомно - смотреть всё.
Ok, you scroll out the selected item (I've no idea what reason for...), but I will check it. Thanks. The library refreshes due the change of statistics, so it focuses on record that was selected before.
Try on this build:https://disk.yandex.ru/d/chFZm5L73egTiA
but the library autoscrool is still there
How to reproduce that?
with the same way like artists but on library is not happening everytime like artist was, it's kinda random that's why it's difficult to see it....needs time and trying to reproduce that
I've made some improvements, please try:https://disk.yandex.ru/d/wP_9pvoNBooqSA
I've made some improvements, please try:
начало теста; сворачивание групп на запуске 10-15 трека, а во время записи экрана уже на 20-30.фрагменты на 1:33 мин. и 3:16 мин. https://idiod.video/nkt9te.mp4
may i have the x64 please to ensure everything is ok 100% i have a feeling tha is fixed with that version
установил портабл; перенёс профиль из 2429; после запуска 3-5 трека, начали сворачиваться открытые группы.закрыл аимп и удалил "AIMP.ini"; запустил плеер, настроил (только) цвет скина и подключил плейлисты; перезапустил аимп.начало теста; сворачивание групп на запуске 10-15 трека, а во время записи экрана уже на 20-30.фрагменты на 1:33 мин. и 3:16 мин. https://idiod.video/nkt9te.mp4в аттаче обрезок на 40 сек.
Please wait for next nightly build
well it happend again the library scrolls (refreshes) again may we have this behavior to be disable or enable by user choice please?
How to reproduce that? Behavior cannot be disabled, because without it viewpoint will resets to zero origin on each database change