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General Information, not reportedLit= ; - code in text: 0-ASCII, 1-Windows, 2-unicodeCrd= ; - date of file rip [10]Eng= ; - ripping person [20]Sft= ; - software used to rip (AIMP :P )[20]Klu= ; - key words [62]Zaa= ; - disctiption akceptance [1]Authors reportTyt= ; - song title [64]Pta= ; - CD title [50]Wyk= ; - performer [64]Sol= ; - soloist (discretionary) [40]Kom= ; - composer or composers with ";" mark between [60]Aut= ; - lirycs author [60]Pro= ; - producer (discretionary) [40]Wyd= ; - publisher [40]Rok= ; - year of publishing [4]Additional informations for reports and software needsInf= ; - additional info [40]Fil= ; - filter(discretionary) [18]Kod= ; - ISRC (if known) [11]Ktg= ; - Muzyka (music - default) [9]BPM= ; - BPM [3]Zak= ; - fade out type.: cut "C" or fade "F" [1]Tmc= ; - tempo all track (discretionary from list)[20]Tmi= ; - beginning tempo (list) [20]Tmo= ; - end tempo (list) [20]Gen= ; - sex of performer [20]Era= ; - era (list) [20]Typ= ; - type (list) [20]Nas= ; - mood (list) [20]Nar= ; - nationality of performer (Very imported for raports - list) [3]Jak= ; - quality (to draw the playlist) [4]Op1= ; - additional info 1. [20]Op2= ; - additional info 2. [20]Op3= ; - additional info 3. [20]
Lit=ENG=CRD=Tyt=HEAVEN IS HEREPta=The Very Best of 2 Brothers on 4th FloorWyk=2 BROTHERS ON THE 4TH FLOORSol=Kom=GEE TOMAut=FRIEDMANN ARNIEPro=Wyd=CNR MusicRok=2016Inf=Kod=NLA249900013Ktg=MuzykaBPM=133Zak=FTmc=szybkieTmi=szybkieTmo=szybkieGen=M - Male (wokalista)Era=lata 90Typ=DanceNas=Ż – żywyNar=ANGJak=1;4Klu=Fil=1;4PTY=0PS1=PS2=PS3=PS4=PS5=PS6=RTT=PLK=2 BROTHERS ON THE 4TH FLOOR - HEAVEN IS HERE (RADIO VERSION)OP1=OP2=OP3=Tot=03:33.106Int=00:00.000Out=03:33.106Mix=00:04.000Mik=03:29.106NwP=00:00.000NwK=03:33.106FIn=00:00.000FOu=03:33.106LpP=-00:00.001LpK=-00:00.001FrP=-00:00.001FrK=-00:00.001Zaa=
it is a pitty cannot run with multiple files