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17hapiOk, attempt number three:https://yadi.sk/d/pRBOBny43NMv7S
Automatic jumping works only if AIMP application is non-active (running in background and mouse pointer is out from window).You can find playable file manually, use "Show current" command from "Misc" menu.
1. It seems that this bug is on AIMP side. I informed Artem.2. Quote from Help:3. Can you explain this?4. Yes, I have reproduced this.5. It seems that this bug is on AIMP side also. But maybe it's not a bug. I created topic about this.
1.If I disabled the plugin, no problem.
I find it's happened on some skins(redaw_1.2,etc)(shuffle[on], click "next track"),maybe problems related to the skin.
3.For example, in skin A is effective, now RMB-Skins-choose skin B, default color.
thank you
My eyes! What's wrong with the plugin or AIMP v4.50[2037]? using default options of plugin
I confirm this
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