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Лист pс-rаdiо на 22.05.16Read more...Если не играет, то не забываем про юзер агентаCode: [Select]winplaypcradio405
Подборка с трех ресурсов PDJ. Record и AudioAddict Premium 192-320 (84 станции) Read more... Pirate Station Digitally Imported - Dark DnB Digitally Imported - Drum and Bass Nu Moon - Possible Worlds Digitally Imported - Russian Club Hits Russian Mix Супердиско 90-х Digitally Imported - DJ Mixes TOP 100 HQ Channel 5 HQ Klubb HQ Megamix Record Club Vip House DJ GROOVE HQ Digitally Imported - Melodic Progressive Steve Miggedy Maestro, BRIO! - Saditty (Miggedy's Jackin' ReTouch) Digitally Imported - Dub Techno Digitally Imported - Tech House Minimal/Tech Mini HQ Digitally Imported - Deep Tech Record Deep Deep HQ Too Deep HQ Nu HQ Too Nu HQ Digitally Imported - Deep Nu-Disco Digitally Imported - Deep House Digitally Imported - Nu Disco Digitally Imported - Club Dubstep Digitally Imported - Dubstep Dubstep HQ Record Dubstep Digitally Imported - Chill & Tropical House Vata HQ Record Chill-Out RadioTunes - Chillout JAZZRADIO.com - Fusion Lounge RadioTunes - Vocal Lounge Digitally Imported - Vocal Lounge Digitally Imported - Vocal Chillout Margot Reisinger - The Journey Within - Part1 - Devotion RadioTunes - Vocal Chillout JAZZRADIO.com - Smooth Lounge RadioTunes - Lounge RadioTunes - Smooth Lounge RadioTunes - Downtempo Lounge Digitally Imported - Lounge RadioTunes - DaTempo Lounge Digitally Imported - Classic Vocal Trance Digitally Imported - Vocal Trance Full Moon HQ Bobina HQ Trancemission Digitally Imported - Epic Trance RadioTunes - Latin Pop Hits RadioTunes - Smooth Jazz RadioTunes - Cafe de Paris JAZZRADIO.com - Paris Cafe RadioTunes - Vocal Smooth Jazz RadioTunes - Bossa Nova RadioTunes - Solo Piano RadioTunes - Romantica RadioTunes - Romantica Latina RadioTunes - Mozart JAZZRADIO.com - Sinatra Style JAZZRADIO.com - Saxophone Jazz JAZZRADIO.com - Mellow Piano Jazz JAZZRADIO.com - Piano Jazz ClassicalRadio.com - 21st Century ClassicalRadio.com - Chamber Works ClassicalRadio.com - Cello Works ClassicalRadio.com - Violin Works ClassicalRadio.com - Vivaldi ClassicalRadio.com - Bach ClassicalRadio.com - Mozart ClassicalRadio.com - Beethoven ClassicalRadio.com - Overtures RadioTunes - Reggaeton Radios Best - Reggaeton Hits Perufolkradio.com Radio Folk Peru Tyler Bates - The Beginning - [ The Day The Earth Stood Still ]Почти такая же подборка: PDJ, Record и AudioAddict Premium,только с мин. возможным битрейтом 40-64 (77 станций)Read more.../ps_aacDigitally Imported - Dark DnBDigitally Imported - Drum and BassNu Moon - Possible WorldsDigitally Imported - Russian Club HitsРУССКИЙ РАЗМЕР - ВеснаDJ GROOVE - ВЫХОДЫ РЕЗИДЕНТОВ COMEDY CLUB 2014-Digitally Imported - DJ Mixes/vip_aacTOP 100 AAC LQChannel 5 AAC LQKlubb AAC LQRadioTunes - ReggaetonKevin Holdeen - Sunset Chords 034 (April 2016)Digitally Imported - Dub TechnoDigitally Imported - Jazz HouseDigitally Imported - Tech HouseMini AAC LQDigitally Imported - Deep TechDigitally Imported - Deep Nu-DiscoDigitally Imported - Deep HouseDeep AAC LQ/deep_aacToo Deep AAC LQDigitally Imported - Nu DiscoNu AAC LQToo Nu AAC LQDubstep AAC LQDigitally Imported - DubstepDigitally Imported - Club Dubstep/dub_64Digitally Imported - Chill & Tropical HouseVata AAC LQRadioTunes - ChilloutJAZZRADIO.com - Fusion LoungeRadioTunes - Vocal LoungeDigitally Imported - Vocal LoungeDigitally Imported - Vocal ChilloutMargot Reisinger - The Journey Within - Part1 - DevotionRadioTunes - Vocal Chillout/chil_aacJAZZRADIO.com - Smooth LoungeRadioTunes - LoungeRadioTunes - Smooth LoungeRadioTunes - Downtempo LoungeDigitally Imported - LoungeRadioTunes - DaTempo Lounge/tm_aac_64Digitally Imported - Classic Vocal TranceDigitally Imported - Vocal TranceFull Moon AAC LQBobina AAC LQDigitally Imported - Epic TranceRadioTunes - Latin Pop HitsRadioTunes - Smooth JazzRadioTunes - Cafe de ParisJAZZRADIO.com - Paris CafeRadioTunes - Vocal Smooth JazzRadioTunes - Bossa NovaRadioTunes - Solo PianoRadioTunes - RomanticaRadioTunes - Romantica LatinaRadioTunes - MozartJAZZRADIO.com - Sinatra StyleJAZZRADIO.com - Saxophone JazzJAZZRADIO.com - Mellow Piano JazzJAZZRADIO.com - Piano JazzClassicalRadio.com - 21st CenturyClassicalRadio.com - Chamber WorksClassicalRadio.com - Cello WorksClassicalRadio.com - Violin WorksClassicalRadio.com - VivaldiClassicalRadio.com - BachClassicalRadio.com - MozartClassicalRadio.com - BeethovenClassicalRadio.com - OverturesRadioTunes - Movie Soundtracks
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