Обложки / Skins / [!] [FULL] Doc's Music Box
« on: August 19, 2010, 16:01:23 »
Doc's Music Box
Version 1.1
Tabs altered to greatly minimize the glitch. Glitch not yet completely solved, as width of Playlist is not a multiple of 3 or 4. It will require more time to fix properly, in the meantime, I have reduced it's appearance to a 1-pixel wide, short line. The picture at the bottom of this post shows the glitch, which only appears if using 4 or more Playlists at the same time, and if scrolling through them with your mousewheel.
This is a somewhat large skin, made primarily for use with larger monitors with resolutions higher than 1024 x 768. The Tray Control is still a reasonable size, however, so many may find this usable at lower resolutions. The Track Time numbers in the main window is my version of Nixie Tube numbers. I was going for an old-fashioned/steampunk look.
I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks to Thomas E. Harvey, who graciously gave his permission for me to use his font in this project.
My previous skin:
Version 1.1
Tabs altered to greatly minimize the glitch. Glitch not yet completely solved, as width of Playlist is not a multiple of 3 or 4. It will require more time to fix properly, in the meantime, I have reduced it's appearance to a 1-pixel wide, short line. The picture at the bottom of this post shows the glitch, which only appears if using 4 or more Playlists at the same time, and if scrolling through them with your mousewheel.
This is a somewhat large skin, made primarily for use with larger monitors with resolutions higher than 1024 x 768. The Tray Control is still a reasonable size, however, so many may find this usable at lower resolutions. The Track Time numbers in the main window is my version of Nixie Tube numbers. I was going for an old-fashioned/steampunk look.
I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks to Thomas E. Harvey, who graciously gave his permission for me to use his font in this project.
My previous skin: