Addons » AIMP for PC » Wallpapers
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AIMP 4 Wallpaper

WolfGrid | 2015-09-23 | 287 KB | Downloads: 26500

PreviewPlatform: Windows
Resolution: 1920x1080
Tone: Dark

Simple Dark

MaxAx | 2015-07-13 | 358.1 KB | Downloads: 28173

PreviewPlatform: Windows
Resolution: 1920x1080
Tone: Dark

Simple Light

MaxAx | 2015-07-13 | 1 MB | Downloads: 26933

PreviewPlatform: Windows
Resolution: 1920x1080
Tone: Light

AIMP3 Load

D.D.Konstantinov | 2015-06-18 | 1.9 MB | Downloads: 27259

PreviewPlatform: Windows
Resolution: 1920x1200
Tone: Dark

Archive with this wallpaper for another screen resolution you can download from here.


STEALTH | 2015-06-10 | 1.1 MB | Downloads: 33202

PreviewPlatform: Windows
Tone: Dark
Resolution: 1920x1200, 1280x1024

Silver and Gold versions
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