Artem | 2014-12-29 22:04:56 | Views: 8445199
What's new in AIMP v3.60 in comparison with 3.55?- Common: New API for plugins
- Sound Engine: Replay Gain's "on-fly" calculation algorithm has been improved
- Sound Effects: Normalization settings have been extended
- Sound Effects: Normalization settings have been moved to separate tab
- Sound Effects: Replay Gain - added an ability to set default value for normalization
- Sound Effects: Replay Gain - added an ability to set preamp value for normalization factor
- Integration to OS: The "Add to Queue" command has been added to the context menu of Windows Explorer
- Album Arts: An ability to download album art from internet automatically (plugin for Last.fm service is used to do it for now)
- Album Arts: An ability to define album art for internet radio stations
- Album Arts: An ability to customize search options
- Playlist: The "adding files" process is now working in separate thread
- Playlist: Shuffle mode - all indexes are now stored in the playlist file
- Playlist: Shuffle algorithm has been improved - uniform playback of files from different groups, avoiding sequential playback of two consecutive files
- Playlist: The number of file access has been reduced during loading a playlist / add files process
- Skin Engine: memory consumption during skin loading has been reduced
- Skin Engine: memory consumption for skin has been reduced twice
- Audio Converter: The "Jump to target folder" button has been added
- Tag Editor: An ability to switch off grouping in the file list
- Tag Editor: Added an ability to drop files / images from internet browsers / URLs to the album art display
- Tag Editor: AIFF file format support
- Tag Editor: An ability to transliterate / change case for group of files
- Templates: macros for date modified / time modified of file were added
- Controls: support of navigation via keyboard
- Plugins: Common - added an ability to filter plugins by status
- Plugins: Common - all plug-ins are now stored in a subfolders
- Plugins: Common - support of Input plugins from Winamp has been removed because this type of plugins does not support multi threading
- Plugins: Visualizations - limit on the screen resolution has been removed for new type plugins
- Plugins: Infobar - the "show always" option has been added
- Plugins: Infobar - added an ability to select target screen
- Plugins: Last.fm - plugin now works with last.fm service directly - you no longer required installed last.fm client
- Plugins: Last.fm - added an ability to love / unlove tracks
- Plugins: Last.fm - added an ability to send the AlbumArtist field value instead of the Artist (optional)
- Plugins: Last.fm - an ability to show window with information about playable file
- Plugins: Last.fm - offline cache for100 records has been added
- Plugins: SACD - plugin for an ability to decode hi-res audio in the DSDIFF / DSF formats
Artem | 2014-12-29 22:04:54 | Views: 8031488
What's new in AIMP Skin Editor v3.60 in comparison with 3.55?- Editor: An ability to apply font without closing the dialog
- Editor: An ability to change color of cells of magnifier by clicking on its glyph
- Editor: An ability to move elements via mouse by vertically / horizontally only if the Shift key is pressed
- Editor: An ability to scroll work area horizontally via mouse wheel with pressed the Shift key
- Editor: Binding Editor - a close button has been added to the caption of provider's card
- Editor: common - an ability to build and apply built skin to the player via single mouse click
- Editor: Custom Providers - added button to toolbar
- Editor: Custom Providers - an ability to rename provider
- Editor: Custom Providers - the list of provides is now grouped by type of provider
- Editor: Magnifier - an ability to change cell color
- Editor: Magnifier - An ability to change zoom factor via Ctrl + mouse wheel
- Editor: Magnifier - an additional cells well be displayed if zoom factor is more than 5x
- Editor: Magnifier - maximal zoom factor value is increased to x50
- Editor: Work Area - an ability to switch off offset element after clone
- Editor: Work Area - guides are now supported
Artem | 2014-12-29 22:02:54 | Views: 4514202
Please refer to the list of features for more information.
Artem | 2014-12-22 21:44:45 | Views: 3522094
Following updates has been published:List of changes you can find here. Please, report all issues which were found through Feedback form and / or by our forum.
Artem | 2014-12-10 19:40:29 | Views: 2812526
Following updates has been published:List of changes you can find here. Please, report all issues which were found through Feedback form and / or by our forum.
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