Public beta-testing has been started

Artem | 2017-08-08 20:20:20 | Views: 8456710

Today we have started public beta-testing of
AIMP v4.50 Beta and AIMP for Android v2.60 Beta.

Whats new?

Whats new in mobile version?
Whats new in desktop version?


Please, report all issues which were found through feedback form and / or by our forum.

Please, refer to the beta-testing rules topic before send bug reports, try as much as possible to describe in detail the situation in which the error occurred, or provide the steps to reproduce. Do not forget to mention the full version of the program.

Forum section of AIMP for Android
Forum section of AIMP for Windows


Note that both version are test, they may contains a lot of bugs!

Download version for Android
Download version for Windows

AIMP v4.13

Artem | 2017-02-14 00:11:58 | Views: 8460868

Whats new in v4.13 in comparing with v4.12?
  • Plugins: Information bar - an ability to show information bar via hotkey
  • Common: Localization were updated
  • Common: the FLAC codec has been updated to v1.3.2
  • Common: the WavPack codec has been updated to v5.1.0
  • Sound Engine: algorithm that calculates channels remapping matrix has been improved
  • Sound Engine: Compatibility with external sound cards has been improved when playing using exclusive device access mode
  • Music LIbrary: Grouping tree - search is now take into account only fully loaded node levels
  • Music Library: Reports - limits of tables have been extended
  • Music Library: Reports - the Artist tag field is now used instead of the AlbumArtist field
  • Music Library: Table - memory consumption has been reduced for views with album arts

Download AIMP v4.13

AIMP for Android v2.50 has been released!

Artem | 2017-01-29 17:40:54 | Views: 8449131

Whats new in v2.50 in comparing with v2.00?
  • General: support for custom themes
  • Player: support for HTTP Live Streaming
  • Player: automatic reconnect to internet radio station when connection is lost
  • Player: dialog with extended information about the playing file
  • Player: the "automatically jump to next track" option has been added
  • Player: bookmarks support has been added
  • Player: custom playback queue has been added
  • Player: an ability to adjust playback speed
  • Playlist: an ability to collapse groups
  • Playlist: an ability to sort tracks by track number / date of addition / file size / duration
  • Playlist: deletion mode - an ability to select all tracks in group by clicking the group header
  • Widgets: an ability to customize appearance and opacity for each widget
  • Headset: support for triple click
  • Headset: an ability to specify command for single / double / triple click
  • Scheduler: alarm clock has been removed

Download Now!

AIMP v4.12 has been released!

Artem | 2016-12-23 14:36:49 | Views: 8448267

Whats new in v4.12 in comparing with v4.11?
  • General: you no longer required to run application as administrator to install add-ons or setup the file associations
  • General: support of easy-to-install technology for add-ons packages in *.zip / *.aimppack formats
  • Audio Converter: the "shutdown computer after conversion" settings are no longer disabled during conversion operation
  • Audio Converter: presets for the fdkaac command line encoder has been added (thanks to Soolo)
  • Player: performance of file adding operation has been improved
  • Playlist: auto-name generation algorithm now can use information from the Artist, AlbumArtist and Album tag fields

Public beta-testing has been started

Artem | 2016-11-05 21:42:18 | Views: 8445062

Public beta-testing for new version of our products - AIMP v4.12 Beta (change log) and AIMP for Android v2.50 Beta (change log) - has been started.


Please, report all issues which were found through feedback form and / or by our forum.

Please, refer to the beta-testing rules topic before send bug reports, try as much as possible to describe in detail the situation in which the error occurred, or provide the steps to reproduce. Do not forget to mention the full version of the program.

Forum section of AIMP for Android
Forum section of AIMP for Windows


Note that both version are test, they may contains a lot of bugs!

Download version for Android
Download version for Windows

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