AIMP v3.50 Released!

Artem | 2013-06-19 20:14:29 | Views: 8427190

The main features in AIMP v3.50 (compared with v3.20):
  • Common: Performance has been increased
  • Common: Added support of long pathname (more than 260 characters), only for Windows Vista and newer
  • Common: Added an ability to split files by chapters (OGG, OPS, M4A and M4B are supported)

  • Sound Engine: Added support for i32v24 sample format
  • Sound Engine: Equalizer has been improved - now all frequencies are processed between sliders

  • Skin Engine: Potential abilities are extended
  • Skin Engine: An ability to dock window to the top and bottom screen edges

  • Player: a list of supported hot keys has been extended
  • Player: Equalizer settings has been added to the DSP Manager dialog
  • Player: Now files merge into one queue, when send it to a removable device
  • Player: The queue of shuffle playback is now stored on the application closing
  • Player: Playlist tab hint now contains information about playlist content
  • Player: Managing Playlists - added an ability to browse content of closed playlist (with search ability)

  • Audio Converter: Added an ability to save path structure during conversion process
  • Audio Converter: OPUS Encoder has been added

  • Scheduler: Alarm Clock - added an ability to execute action after pre-set time period
  • Scheduler: Alarm Clock - added an ability to set playlist as alarm clock ringtone

  • Tag Editor: The "File Size" column has been added
  • Tag Editor: Added an ability to resize window of "Presets Editor" dialog
  • Tag Editor: Rename files - added an ability to replace / remove selected characters
  • Tag Editor: Rename files - bilateral transliteration has been added (Russian - English)
  • Tag Editor: Rename files - new design
  • Tag Editor: Added support of "BPM", "Disc Count" and "Publisher" tag fields
  • Tag Editor: Added support of OPUS format tags
  • Tag Editor: Added an ability to calculate BPM (powered by SoundTouch Library)

  • Audio Library: Mark reading speed has been increased by 10 times
  • Audio Library: Added an ability to display rating instead of mark, if mark is not set
  • Audio Library: Added an ability to send files to playlist
  • Audio Library: The "BPM", "Composer", "Publisher" and "File Format" columns has been added
  • Audio Library: Added an ability to add files to data base via Drag-n-Drop
  • Audio Library: Added special context menu for cells of the "Labels" column
  • Audio Library: Hotkeys for playback control has been added
  • Audio Library: New design of the "Labels Manager" dialog

  • Custom Controls: Added support for panning gesture for listbox like controls
  • Custom Controls: Context menu - added an ability to scroll items via mouse wheel
  • Custom Controls: Context menu - auto scrolling to selected item on menu popup
  • Custom Controls: Now you can switch between tabs via Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab / Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown shortcuts
  • Custom Controls: Scrollbar - added an ability to jump to position under mouse cursor via mouse click with pressed Shift key
  • Custom Controls: ListView and TreeView - per-pixel scrolling has been added

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