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Change Log » AIMP for Windows
AIMP v3.55.1355 (14.07.2014)Music library: the "add to AIMP's playlist" menu item has been added to the context menu for grouping tree Fixed: common - tray icon flashes during program startup Fixed: common - application hangs in some cases when trying to add corrupted files in OGG format Fixed: common - files from the windows explorer were not added to the list at start of application Fixed: sound engine incorrectly identifies a list of supported formats for some device types Fixed: playlists manager - ability to set unsupported file as pre-image via drag-n-drop operation Fixed: playlist - item with URL cannot be sent into other playlist via context menu Fixed: skin engine - skin settings are resets after restart the application Fixed: skin engine - new name of playlist is not updated in the PlaylistBox skin element Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs in some cases when trying to undock the mini player from screen edge via drag-n-drop AIMP v3.55.1350 (16.06.2014)Sound engine: options dialog - list of supported formats is populated now on demand, not at options dialog initialization Sound engine: radio capture - maximum delay before start record new track has been increased to 30 seconds. Sound engine: radio capture - CUE sheet is now stored on the hard drive after each track Sound engine: compatibility with remote desktop assistant has been improved (for WASAPI interface) Playlist: an empty playlists with non-empty preimage setting will not be deleted now on closing the application Playlist: advanced search is now show last search query Tag editor: support for non-english URLs - the URL will be automatically converted to punycode and vice versa. Fixed: common - tray icon flashes during program startup Fixed: common - player is minimized to tray instead of taskbar in some cases Fixed: sound engine - output settings are resets at some devices when opening the options dialog Fixed: playlist - the remove file confirmation dialog does not restore focus after closing Fixed: tag editor - album art from ID3v2.4 tag cannot be read in some cases Fixed: tag editor - file in FLAC format cannot be read by player, if embedded CUE has been remove via AIMP tag editor Fixed: plugins - the information line flashes on display, if it has been hidden by mouse before that Fixed: minor issues AIMP v3.55.1345 (26.03.2014)Equalizer presets dialog: alphabetical sorting of presets is default now Equalizer presets dialog: incremental search has been added Player: compatibility with the service has been improved Skin engine: added an ability to resize animator control Fixed: sound engine - ASIO - few bugs with playback resuming on some devices Fixed: sound engine - the program sometimes hangs during playback Fixed: sound engine - scratches can be heard on some tracks if the normalization by amplitude effect is active Fixed: sound effects - mixing options apply incorrectly Fixed: plugins - alarm clock - another playlist starts playing, if selected playlist has been never activated after restart of the program Fixed: player - the QFI window doesn't appear at the first time in some cases Fixed: player - default folder for internet radio capture is stored to configuration file Fixed: playlist - focus and playback cursor are reseted after synchronization with the preimage. Fixed: skin engine - the value of the PeakSegmentation property isn't taken into account Fixed: skin engine - behavior of child window is broken after closing the window via alt+f4 Fixed: skin engine - bugs with initialization of default values for controls on program startup AIMP v3.55.1338 (31.01.2014)DSP-manager: added an ability to switch on/off all cross mixing settings quickly Player: the "insert after current" command in addition to current behavior, now puts track to the beginning of playback queue Fixed: the "send to" - selected template is ignored, if file doesn't have tags Fixed: plugins - CDDA - cache is not updated in some cases Fixed: plugins - CDDA - information about the track has incorrect encoding, if information has been received from the CDDB Fixed: player - the remove file confirmation dialog doesn't return focus to the previous window after closing Fixed: skin engine - value of the SizeMaximal property isn't taken into account for client-aligned containers Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - last value is taken into account for the "comment", "genre", "link" fields instead of first, as for the other fields Fixed: tag editor - the autotag functions is not work correctly Fixed: music library - the application hangs when trying to move file via drag-n-drop, if target folder already contain file with same name Few minor bugs were fixed AIMP v3.55.1332 (21.12.2013)Fixed: playlist - no an ability to drop files to the end of playlist in some cases Fixed: tag editor - lyrics field value has been cut by first line AIMP v3.55.1331 (20.12.2013)Sound engine: WASAPI exclusive - added support for the push and the event output modes DSP-manager: volume normalization - scale factor is now displayed in the "% dB / % x" format Tag editor: string parsing in the AutoTag based on the file name is now going from end Fixed: Audio converter - an error occurs when trying to encode file to the OGG format with quality low than 4 Fixed: bookmarks manager - cursor position in the table resets to zero after removing the record Fixed: playlist - when closing the playlist tab, playlist file deleted bypassing the recycle bin Fixed: skin engine - initial size of container calculates incorrectly in some layouts Fixed: skin engine - the hit-test calculates incorrectly in some cases Fixed few minor bugs AIMP v3.55.1324 (15.11.2013)Sound engine: the normalization function has been returned, the algorithm has been improved Fixed: sound engine - application hangs when changing playback position via mouse wheel Fixed: sound engine - player jumps over track in some cases when set is playing Fixed: common - windows position are shifted at taskbar height after restart if taskbar is placed at top edge of screen Fixed: advanced search - click via middle mouse button does't select row in the table minor issues were fixed AIMP v3.55.1320 (04.11.2013)Bookmarks manager: added an ability to sort items via click on table column Fixed: replace confirmation dialog - the "replace all" and the "skip all" buttons doesn't work Fixed: sound engine - stuttering occurs on start of playback in some cases Fixed: sound engine - the application hangs during playback of file with duration less than 1 seconds if the "repeat track" mode is active Fixed: sound engine - player doesn't play last 20-30 msec of track Fixed: player - file in the CUE format loads incorrectly in some cases minor issues were fixed AIMP v3.55.1312 RC 2 (15.10.2013)Sound engine: activating / deactivating effects are now processed more smoothly Advanced search: the "file location" menu item has been added Advanced search: added an ability to add files to the queue via middle mouse button click Fixed: player - program UI sometimes hangs when playing tracks Fixed: player - manual track switching processed with small delay Fixed: playlists - few extra drop target slots are exists when moving files in the playlist via mouse Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed minor issues were fixed AIMP v3.55.1307 RC (07.10.2013)Sound engine: cache system has been improved - read latency has been reduced Jump to time: added an ability to split minutes and seconds by space symbol Manual: added search ability Tags: replaygain are now supported for MusePack v8 format Fixed: sound engine - an error occurs when switching between tracks in some cases Fixed: sound engine - information about bitrate in the metadata section are ignored Fixed: sound engine - the mixing effect cuts end of track, if effect time is less than a second Fixed: player - local hot keys doesn't work if full screen visualization mode is active Fixed: player - crashes on terminating if one of the DSP-plugin is active Fixed: player - no an ability to set multimedia keys as local hot keys Fixed: player - the content of CUE sheet is loaded incorrectly, if load it as a playlist Fixed: playlist - mouse wheel settings are ignored Fixed: playlist - zoom level not saved on restart Fixed: playlists - few extra drop target slots are exists when moving files in the playlist via mouse Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed Fixed: managing playlists - selection has been restored incorrectly after playlist deletion AIMP v3.55.1298 Beta (12.09.2013)General: added an ability to move links via drag-n-drop from internet browser to playlist or "add link" dialog Bookmarks: added an ability to add playlists to the bookmarks Bookmarks: "bookmarks manager" dialogue - quick search has been added Bookmarks: "bookmarks manager" dialogue - usability has been improved Sound engine: anticlipping Sound engine: added an ability to customize resampling speed/quality Sound engine: added an ability to use dithering when decreasing bit depth Sound engine: the SoXR library is now used for resampling Sound engine: performance has been increased Plugins: the "internet radiostation catalog" plugin has been removed, you can access to catalogs via internet browser Player: fading and cross mixing settings has been moved to DSP manager dialogue Player: cross mixing setting has been expanded Fixed: sound engine - program crashes during cache buffer initialization process if system cannot allocate requested memory size Fixed: player - window position is restored incorrectly if it was attached to the screen edge via drag-n-drop Fixed: player - data from ID3v2 has been replaced with data from ID3v1 in some cases, even if encoding is different Fixed: player - crashes on attempt to activate DSP-plugin Fixed: player - the custom information about the radio station is lost when playback is starting Fixed: tags - MP4 - no information about bitrate is displayed for certain files Fixed: tag editor - file cannot be removed physically if it played in mini-player of the tag editor AIMP v3.51.1288 (07.08.2013)Sound engine: TAK decoder has been updated Sound engine: cache system has been improved - CPU usage has been reduced Playlist: auto name algorithm has been improved Tag editor: the progress of current operation is now displaying on the taskbar button Skin engine: the sizes of windows now automatically adjusted after screen resolution changing Fixed: Audio converter - bugs with parameters selection in the "OGG vorbis encoder settings" dialogue Fixed: Audio converter - bugs with parameters selection in the "WMA encoder settings" dialogue Fixed: browse folder dialogue - the ctrl + up / ctrl + down hot keys does not work Fixed: file save dialogue - no overwrite confirmation in some cases Fixed: sound engine - tracks with long names cannot be played in some cases Fixed: sound engine - program crashes during radio capture process, if playable track has incorrect symbols in one of its tag fields Fixed: sound engine - no an ability to pause file playback, if it located on remote server Fixed: minor issues Fixed: common - the ctrl + page up / ctrl + page down hot keys does not work in secondary windows if its has been used as local hot keys in the player. Fixed: common - bugs in some localizations Fixed: common - format line parser does not process "\," set of symbols correctly Fixed: playlists - the "save playlist 'default'" option is ignores when closing playlist tab Fixed: playlists - playlists manager deletes playlists pass the recycle bin Fixed: playlists - deletion of the collapsed group expand group which placed below Fixed: tag editor - the M4A tag missing in the tags list for group removing / applying tag fields values Fixed: tag editor does not recognize files which located in the windows libraries Fixed: tag editor - incorrect files order in the "analysis result" dialogue Fixed: pandemic AIO skin - no ability to drag player window by its caption Fixed: skin engine - ability to resize window is blocked after change skin to another without maximization support if window is maximized Fixed: skin engine - converter ignores special settings for all-in-one skins Fixed: music library displays wrong data in the report Fixed: music library does not take initial rating of file into account when adding file to database AIMP v3.50.1277 (19.06.2013)Fixed: minor issues Fixed: common - player can't be associated with file types in some cases Fixed: common - some bugs in localizations Fixed: common - the "all words with capital letter" function change the capitalization of whole word to uppercase in some cases Fixed: playlist - player add files to playlist too long Fixed: tag editor - autofilling tags functionality does not work AIMP v3.50.1270 RC 2 (04.06.2013)Player: hot key for "switch on/off equalizer" command Player: position of the "advanced search" window now stored to config Player: new mechanism of file association - now we use solution recommended by microsoft Music library: new algorithm of rating calculation - rating is now depends from time Fixed: sound engine - noise can be heard when playing file with high sampling rate Fixed: minor issues Fixed: player - bookmarks cannot be saved in some cases Fixed: player - queue manager does not save file order after closing the player Fixed: player - the "suspend global hot keys" option does not work Fixed: tag editor - genre from list of predefined genres does not save correctly to M4A format Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs in some cases when trying to load skin that contains embedded fonts Fixed: skin engine - there is no check for corruption of skin package Fixed: skin engine - position of equivalent containers with limited sizes calculates incorrectly Fixed: skin engine - value of the ClipChildren property is ignores when calculating HitTest Fixed: music library - focused file disappears from visible area after sorting AIMP v3.50.1259 RC 1 (08.05.2013)General: the cover art search now processes the "cover" and "scan" subfolders General: application loading speed has been increased Fixed: QFI - click on cover art display opens temporary copy of image instead of original Fixed: Audio converter does not write information about replaygain for album to CUE-sheet Fixed: minor issues Fixed: common - player ignores "SONGWRITER" field in CUE-sheet Fixed: tag editor - the "skip this file" option doesn't work in the "rename" dialog Fixed: skin engine - position of pinned window calculates incorrectly, if master window is docked to main window Fixed: skin engine - position of equivalent containers calculates incorrectly in some cases Fixed: skin engine - bugs in time formatting function Fixed: skin engine - elements placed on hidden container still visible in some cases AIMP v3.50.1253 Beta 4 (19.04.2013)Fixed: minor issues Fixed: player - hotkey settings are not saved in some cases Fixed: player - bugs with reading command line switches Fixed: playlist - no an ability to move selected group inside another even if "merge with similar categories" option is switched off Fixed: playlist - an error occurs when trying to execute "search new files" dialog Fixed: skin engine - mouse cursor is not recalculated correctly in some cases Fixed: skin engine - minor issues with providers AIMP v3.50.1247 Beta 3 (10.04.2013)General: added support for panning gesture for listbox like controls Fixed: installer launches the application as administrator Fixed: internet radio browser - an error occurs when closing the window during download operation Fixed: minor issues Fixed: scheduler - bugs with applying playlist as alarm clock melody Fixed: player cannot play tracker music correctly in some cases - only samples are played Fixed: player - an error occurs when trying to move file from bookmarks popup window to external application via drag-n-drop Fixed: player - an error occurs when trying to start audio CD playback from autorun menu Fixed: player - hot keys list doesn't repaint correctly after removing the hot key via keyboard Fixed: playlist - filename of tracklist cuts off in some cases Fixed: playlist - the list doesn't scroll to searching item via quick search if it placed in collapsed group Fixed: skin engine - containers visibility doesn't save to configuration file Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when trying to undock tray-control from the screen edge Fixed: music library - data cache doesn't refresh after removing operation Fixed: music library - an error occurs when trying to remove playable file AIMP v3.50.1237 Beta 2 (08.03.2013)Fixed: tag editor save incorrect information about the size of ID3v2 tag AIMP v3.50.1236 Beta 2 (07.03.2013)Audio converter: tags are now stored to WMA and WavPack formats via AIMP tags engine Audio converter: only common information about the tracks is now stored to the file tags during "all-to-one file" encoding mode Player: playlists reading speed has been increased by 25% Player: response time of the window in "desktop toolbar" mode during adding files via drag-n-drop operation has been decreased Skin engine: rendering speed has been increased due caching of the background elements Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved Fixed: installer - update mode doesn't work Fixed: installer doesn't create shortcuts under windows 8 Fixed: minor issues Fixed: simple scheduler - the state of "shutdown the computer" option isn't stored Fixed: player - few folders without spaces in the names cannot be added to the player via command line Fixed: player - the plug-ins table jumps to beginning after any plug-in is unloaded Fixed: the tag editor stores two copies of cover art to the file in FLAC format Fixed: skin engine - information in QFI isn't refreshed in some cases Fixed: skin engine - maximized window reduces its size after AIMP restart Fixed: playlists managing - preview for few selected playlists doesn't work correctly Fixed: music library - all tracks from set are added to the Audio converter regardless of which of them were selected AIMP v3.50.1224 Beta 1 (31.01.2013)CoverArt downloader: click on image now opens it in external application CoverArt downloader: caching of downloaded files for current work session Audio converter: hotkey for start conversion process has been added Audio converter: OPUS encoder has been added Audio converter: added an ability to save path structure during conversion process Sound engine: added support for i32v24 sample format Sound engine: now player has separate settings for crossfading in manual and automatic switching modes Sound engine: equalizer has been improved - now all frequencies are processed between sliders General: settings in options dialog has been regrouped General: player no longer supports configuration files from AIMP2 General: added support of long pathname (more than 260 characters), only for windows vista and newer General: added an ability to split files by chapters (OGG, OPS, M4A and M4B are supported) General: performance has been increased Scheduler: alarm clock - added an ability to execute action after pre-set time period Scheduler: alarm clock - added an ability to set playlist as alarm clock ringtone Player: equalizer settings has been added to the DSP manager dialog Player: playlist tab hint now contains information about playlist content Player: hotkey for the "reload data from pre-image" command has been added Player: hotkeys for executing the "bookmarks manager" and "equalizer" dialogs has been added Player: hotkeys for set mark to playable / selected files has been added Player: the queue of shuffle playback is now stored on the application closing Player: added drag-n-drop support for the bookmarks manager Player: now files merge into one queue, when send it to a removable device Player: confirmation for the remove equalizer preset operation has been added Player: managing playlists - added an ability to browse content of closed playlist (with search ability) Tag editor: added an ability to resize window of "presets editor" dialog Tag editor: the "file size" column has been added Tag editor: rename files - added an ability to replace / remove selected characters Tag editor: rename files - bilateral transliteration has been added (russian - english) Tag editor: rename files - new design Tag editor: added support of "BPM", "disc count" and "publisher" tag fields Tag editor: added support of OPUS format tags Tag editor: added an ability to calculate BPM (powered by SoundTouch library) Skin engine: ability to switch off spectrum animation for playable track Skin engine: ability to dock window to the top and bottom screen edges Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended Music library: added an ability to switch off automatic jump to next track during playback Music library: added an ability to display rating instead of mark, if mark is not set Music library: added an ability to send files to playlist Music library: added an ability to add files to data base via drag-n-drop Music library: added special context menu for cells of the "labels" column Music library: hotkeys for playback control has been added Music library: the "BPM", "composer", "publisher" and "file format" columns has been added Music library: new design of the "labels manager" dialog Music library: mark reading speed has been increased by 10 times Custom controls: context menu - added an ability to scroll items via mouse wheel Custom controls: context menu - auto scrolling to selected item on menu popup Custom controls: now you can switch between tabs via ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab / ctrl+PageUp and ctrl+PageDown shortcuts Custom controls: ListView and TreeView - per-pixel scrolling has been added Custom controls: scrollbar - added an ability to jump to position under mouse cursor via mouse click with pressed shift key |