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AIMP ExplorerView

Artem Izmaylov | 2016-06-18 | 779.5 KB | Downloads: 58959

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v4.10 or newer
Type: Extensions, Music Library extensions
Target: 32-bit, 64-bit

Simple plugin that integrates content of the Windows Explorer to music library

Oscillograph v2.0

Lyuter | 2016-01-27 | 724.9 KB | Downloads: 230925

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v3.60 or newer
Type: Visualizations
Target: 32-bit

PeakMeter v1.2.3

ildvild | 2015-12-30 | 2.1 MB | Downloads: 110788

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v3.60 or newer
Type: Extensions, Visualizations
Target: 32-bit

Plugin displays peak level of signal. Idea, skins and localizations were related to the Volume2 application.

WaterWaves v1.4

DesweR | 2015-09-23 | 1.6 MB | Downloads: 97165

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v2.60 or newer
Type: Visualizations
Target: 32-bit

AIMP History v1.5

Lyuter | 2015-09-23 | 738.3 KB | Downloads: 36837

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v2.60 or newer
Type: Extensions
Target: 32-bit

AIMP History предназначен для ведения истории проигранных файлов

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