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AIMP Classic Spectrum

smu | 2012-04-09 | 598.9 KB | Downloads: 237701

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v2.60 or newer
Type: Visualizations
Target: 32-bit

Plugin have an issues with UAC

AimpVis ArduinoLed

smu | 2012-03-13 | 243.7 KB | Downloads: 252466

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v2.60 or newer
Type: Visualizations
Target: 32-bit

Special for ALFA skin

AimpVis Radar v2.61

smu | 2012-03-13 | 243.8 KB | Downloads: 199465

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v2.60 or newer
Type: Visualizations
Target: 32-bit

Special for ALFA skin

AV Loop

smu | 2012-03-13 | 243.3 KB | Downloads: 247112

PreviewPlatform: Windows
App Version: v2.60 or newer
Type: Visualizations
Target: 32-bit

Special for ALFA Skin
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