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Gradient Cover 4 (Classic)

AKhod | 2023-07-25 | 1.3 MB | Downloads: 10530

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v4.00 or newer
Tone: Light
Interface: Touch
Surface: Mat

In the phone layout, the bookmark can be created by clicking on the queue label.

Wondrous Cover

AKhod | 2022-05-25 | 892.9 KB | Downloads: 20454

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v3.20 or newer
Tone: Dark, Light, Middle
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

В макете "Автомагнитола" сдвинуть панель контроля воспроизведения влево для доступа к контролю над плейлистом.

Bliss HD

ZeoN7 | 2018-09-27 | 240.3 KB | Downloads: 65197

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v2.80 or newer
Tone: Light, Dark
Interface: Touch
Surface: Mat

Matherial Design

sagitt.67 | 2017-01-31 | 170.9 KB | Downloads: 57941

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v2.50 or newer
Tone: Dark
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch

Good Wave: Dark version

Neoxyne | 2017-02-07 | 358.3 KB | Downloads: 59142

PreviewPlatform: Android
App Version: v2.50 or newer
Tone: Dark
Surface: Mat
Interface: Touch