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При подключении плагина появляется сообщение об "Eccess violation", после этого в настройки больше не заходит, а при закрытии плеера появляются ещё пачка MsgBox'ов с "Eccess violation" и "Run-time Error".MSVCRT 2013 установлен.
версия плеера?
PS: OS MS Windows XP SP3
YouTube doesn't have separate audio stream available.
Actually it has
there are 5 possible audio-only streams ("Dash mp4 audio"), but they are not available in most videos.
I believe it would be wise to try these audio streams before trying to download the whole video.
BTW, I can't authorize on YouTube, pressing 'authorize' button just opens a page in browser with words '' Am I missing something?
Hmm, what system are you using?When it opens this page, try to go to this url instead
Hello there!Just wanted to notify you, that as of today, when playing some tracks from youtube, the AIMP crashes. This seems only with specific tracks and only with youtube as of now. Maybe youtube changes things currently and this is crashing the plugin?example that crashes my aimp: