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I have the same problem. Extreme Lag. How can i lower the quality of the file so i can use the plugin
Go to plugin settings and replaceCode: [Select]bestaudio[protocol=m3u8_native]/bestaudio[protocol=m3u8]/best[ext=mp4]/bestwithCode: [Select]worstaudio[protocol=m3u8_native]/worstaudio[protocol=m3u8]/worst[ext=mp4]/worst
tried this and same result... no difference.i have gigabit connection
same here. any solutions/ideas anyone ?
Steps (you need to have Youtube for AIMP intalled already):1. Download yt-dlp.exe from
or is it a lost cause?
Это не верно, скачивать нужно х86: httрs://
Heshflow перейдите на Github и скачайте 32-х битную версию.У меня из этого плейлиста 2-х часовые сеты грузятся от 20 секунд до 2-х минут.Всё зависит от формата, что отдаёт ютуб. Часовые сеты, вообще залетают за 15 - 50 секунд.Командную строку в настройках "-f best[ext=mp4]/best" иногда меняю на равнозначную, это поиск по ID "-f 22/18/140" или "-f 18/22/140"
This is not because of quality, this is because youtube is for several months now actively limiting downloading files directly, without usig their website. To work around this you need to use modified youtube-dl.exe that works around these limitations.Steps (you need to have Youtube for AIMP intalled already):1. Download yt-dlp.exe from Rename downloaded file from yt-dlp.exe to youtube-dl.exe3. Right click youtube-dl.exe, choose properties, unblock file if windows says it is blocked.4. Copy downloaded file youtube-dl.exe and overwrite original file in your AIMP\Plugins\aimp_YouTube\ directory6. Restart AIMP if it was running.Youtube should be working now without stuttering, tested.Author of this AIMP extension should start including different version of youtube-dl.exe.