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I have had one plugin I used successfully with the old Winamp DSP host in the 32-bit 5.11.2432 in a chainer crash the interface when attempting to use its 64-bit version solo here, Unlimited.64.dll. That one has been problematic for other players as well, I believe because it "listens" for 5.1 surround but will accept stereo-only if that is what is available. I realize no host can promise to accomodate every plugin, but I have attached it here in case you want to take a look
Unfortunately, plugin that you attached works fine in 32 and 64-bit on my side. I see no crashes with it
Artem, do you mean that you are able to open this VST's GUI ("Unlimited") and adjust its settings with no crash?? As I mentioned, it will load OK here too, but trying to bring up the GUI by clicking on the tool icon results in AIMP itself crashing, and without producing an error report. This continues in [2506].
VST Unlimited x64 crash [also in AIMP x86 crash unlimited x86]
Can you send to me this VST?
Please try this build: