AIMP v3.55 released!

Artem | 2013-11-04 21:00:16 | Views: 8065285

v3.55 - update for v3.5 has been published.

Major Changes
  • Advanced Search: The "file Location" menu item has been added
  • Advanced search: Added an ability to add files to the queue via middle mouse button click
  • Bookmarks: Added an ability to add playlists to the bookmarks
  • Bookmarks: "Bookmarks Manager" dialogue - quick search has been added
  • Bookmarks: "Bookmarks Manager" dialogue - usability has been improved
  • Manual: Added search ability
  • Sound Engine: Anticlipping
  • Sound Engine: Added an ability to customize resampling speed/quality
  • Sound Engine: Added an ability to use dithering when decreasing bit depth
  • Sound Engine: activating / deactivating effects are now processed more smoothly
  • Sound Engine: The SoXR library is now used for resampling
  • Sound Engine: Cache system has been improved - read latency has been reduced
  • Sound Engine: Performance has been increased
  • Plugins: The "Internet Radiostation Catalog" plugin has been removed, you can access to catalogs via internet browser
  • Player: Fading and cross mixing settings has been moved to DSP Manager dialogue
  • Player: Cross mixing setting has been expanded
  • Tags: replay gain are now supported for MusePack v8 format

Full list of changes you can find here.

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