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Why don't you try a test install of the Portable in a folder not part of the Windows permissions hierachy, like c:\AIMP, and see if you have the same issues using a stock skin
I am using Windows 10 and have no issues with portable installation. Unfortunately, I cannot test by myself on win11 24h2.
From what I read, Windows 10 CAN be directly updated to 11 24H2.
My hardware is incompatible with Windows 11, the installation produces a blue screen of death during upgrading. I've no idea what exactly leads to this issue. Anyway, 23H/24H are unavailable for Russian licenses. I will try to install trial to virtual machine (I hope it possible). Thanks for helping
Очень хорошая новость пришла на днях от Microsoft:"Microsoft разрешила устанавливать Windows 11 на старые ПК, но их пользователи должны подписать отказ от ответственности"
The Tascan 32 and another SKINs doesn't work anymore, the VU´s pointers don't move still stoped, and doesn't respond to controls, and it gives some memory error!
it gives some memory error!
Black_AVP_Bim, т.е. вот этого у тебя не наблюдается?
Please, try to reproduce the issue on debug build: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/TkQ1BX_gjbISQw
I did an in-place upgrade to Windows 11 24H2 x64 from 23H2 via the Microsoft ISO. This is with a Dell XPS 8960 with 32MB RAM and the Intel I7-13700.Before and after I am using AIMP 5.30.2563 x64, Portable. I have encountered absolutely no negative effects or regressive behavior at all, it runs as smooth and stable as it did before, including meter plugins, etc. I am using a slightly modified (e.g. text fonts) Charm 1.36 skin.I run Windows as an Administrator user, no UAC. I do not use "Run as administrator" with AIMP.What this means I guess is that neither 24H2 nor AIMP 5.30.2563 are the problem. Why don't you try a test install of the Portable in a folder not part of the Windows permissions hierachy, like c:\AIMP, and see if you have the same issues using a stock skin. Be sure you have excluded the AIMP folder in Windows Defender, and check to be sure your AIMP "Sound Output" settings in Preferences haven't changed.
I installed in C:/AIMP, same issues . The Tascan 32 Skin the timer clock no works, the buttons no have response, the VU´s still stoped. if i run with administrator privileges, all issues go away. I think this problemm is the Windows 24H2 UAC.
if i run with administrator privileges, all issues go away
I've no idea, how UAC / admin rights may lead to app performance/responsible.
В масштабе 150 % и более так и будет, оно у всех так, даже процессор 14 поколения подобные скины с масштабированием не тянет.Я сравнивал по бобинникам для 4К мониторов, там нагрузка не изменилась, что в 24Н2, что в 22Н2, не более 10%.
Does the issue happened with standard skin? What CPU usage for AIMP process in this moment? Please, try to switch off perpixel semitransparency in app settings \ interface, does it help?
Fault bucket 1987723029082212900, type 5Event Name: MoAppCrashResponse: Not availableCab Id: 0Problem signature:P1: 25018ArtemIzmaylov.AIMP_4.60.2175.0_x86__4hdg3aaevdv22P2: praid:AIMPP3: 4.60.2175.0P4: 5e4da7b4P5: MMDevApi.dllP6: 10.0.26100.1882P7: be6f88f4P8: c0000005P9: 0002564dP10: Attached files:\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.6ee129f3-a547-43c0-8e67-d31538053690.tmp.dmp\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.1e22e0d0-86d6-4cb1-bdcb-b41608970218.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.928fc939-bcfa-4bd0-8117-6e5a02962709.tmp.csv\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.e61b407d-29af-4a7e-8668-2d3a605caf32.tmp.txt\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER.239c94fb-7ac9-4a57-b9b2-b7860b031065.tmp.xmlThese files may be available here:\\?\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_25018ArtemIzmayl_cb2943445b87277b4774a515adde9215e9f2eca_379f456f_952fbfc7-feef-4b91-86e5-aec5beef04fcAnalysis symbol: Rechecking for solution: 0Report Id: 5b194ec2-0e66-4e3e-a286-b28ee14942c2Report Status: 268435456Hashed bucket: 8fbc282ac720eb251b95cf90444f0a24Cab Guid: 0Faulting application name: AIMP.exe, version: 4.60.2175.0, time stamp: 0x5e4da7b4Faulting module name: MMDevApi.dll, version: 10.0.26100.1882, time stamp: 0xbe6f88f4Exception code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x0002564dFaulting process id: 0x5A0Faulting application start time: 0x1DB6B6C6D5CAF1BFaulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\25018ArtemIzmaylov.AIMP_4.60.2175.0_x86__4hdg3aaevdv22\AIMP.exeFaulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\MMDevApi.dllReport Id: 5b194ec2-0e66-4e3e-a286-b28ee14942c2Faulting package full name: 25018ArtemIzmaylov.AIMP_4.60.2175.0_x86__4hdg3aaevdv22Faulting package-relative application ID: AIMP<namespace svc="watson" ptr="generic" gp="generic" app="AppxDeploymentFailureBlue"><arg nm="p1" val="80070002"/><arg nm="p2" val="41"/><arg nm="p3" val="3"/><arg nm="p4" val="windows.stateExtension"/><arg nm="p5" val="10.0.26100.2894"/><arg nm="p6" val="5252"/></namespace><ctrl><arg nm="reportid" val="367dba10-e2fc-4b74-bfd7-c4b730d55283"/><arg nm="wowguest" val="0"/><arg nm="wowhost" val="34404"/><arg nm="iptenabled" val="0"/><arg nm="reportsource" val="memory"/></ctrl><cmd nm="event"><arg nm="cat" val="generic"/><arg nm="eventtype" val="AppxDeploymentFailureBlue"/><arg nm="p1" val="80070002"/><arg nm="p2" val="41"/><arg nm="p3" val="3"/><arg nm="p4" val="windows.stateExtension"/><arg nm="p5" val="10.0.26100.2894"/><arg nm="p6" val="5252"/><arg nm="appsessionguid" val="00001110-0000-0005-8c71-704fb96adb01"/><arg nm="targetappid" val="W:0000f519feec486de87ed73cb92d3cac802400000000!000055efb424933087d755b18468bc574db4463d9ce6!svchost.exe"/><arg nm="targetappver" val="2104/11/12:20:36:41!19466!svchost.exe"/><arg nm="targetasid" val="2035"/><arg nm="apporiginalfilename" val="svchost.exe"/><arg nm="userimpactvector" val="0"/>
Не используйте версию из Windows Store. Она обрезанная и устаревшая.
Спасибо! заработало! Правда винда ругнулась, что мол я устанавливаю программу на свой страх и риск (>_<)
Ну да, русский софт он нынче такой...
а так это из-за этого... ну им же хуже, будут без лучшего проигрывателя!
Проблема в сертификате подписи кода, он не всеми вендорами воспринимается как надежный
так подписать сертификат надёжным CA, которому доверяет MS?