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Yesterday when I was adding new songs to my phone, I went to update the "My library" and noticed new(for me) menu; "top 100" entered it, and noticed that first two songs are the same. They have different playcounts (one is 191 and one is 166) but they are the same, the only difference is the album they are from.
But I would be happy to do it, but I still don't know how. I quickly looked at all settings and did not found "export db" or anything like that.
Sorry it took so long. Just the "databases" folder?
Can I "safely" share it here, or should I pm you?
Then here it is
did you just erased duplicates?
Original export does not work because I unzipped it and rezipping it* causes the same error (incorrect file structure)
SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException: database disk image is malformed (code 11 SQLITE_CORRUPT)
Code: [Select]SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException: database disk image is malformed (code 11 SQLITE_CORRUPT)