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honestly I already made this example when I attach it to the lyrics to show it, the links that the button has are (Button.action, state <-> lyricsboxfontscalingcontroller.Position) with the texture of 12 frames. The link of the lyrics is (TrackLyrics.visibility <-> lyricsboxfontscalingcontroller.Position) when placing it this way the TrackLyrics is visible and what I want is that it is not visible by default, when pressing the button nothing happens, I wonder what I will be doing wrong.
My question is badly formulated, I am sorry. I wanted that in the list of visualizations a gif is found, looking for more I realized that it is not possible to place another visual (like an image or a gif in this case) apart from those that are by default, so I will forget this option.
3. I can't understand it, if there is another method, how to activate these windows with buttons would be great, thanks for everything.
Can you share an example?
Of course, I can made a plugin whose will display image instead of visualization, but is it really necessary?
I've attached a small example
function GetResourceName(ScaleFactor: Integer): string;begin Result := 'Skin.Fonts.TrackInfo.Lyrics.' + IntToStr(ScaleFactor);end;procedure Execute(var State: Integer);begin if FindResource(GetResourceName(State)) = nil then State := 100; FindObject('iwtTrackLyrics').Set('Font.ID', GetResourceName(State));end;