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Там используется ВВ код с цветом [COLOR=ff9e2c]%v[/COLOR] для выделенной строки, похоже придется сделать как в стандартном скине Charm
А это, кстати, интересный вопрос, должен ли цвет в таком случае темироваться...
Интересно если нет такой возможности, тогда можно ли как нибудь реализовать это другим способом? Пример аналогии взять цвет гиперссылки например как нибудь.
1. При определённом размере мини-плеера нет названия трека. 2. Было бы неплохо поднять кол-во делений у "круговой временной шкалы".
+356окно настроек
Combined in one window, but not like in the standard skin, in A4 v.2.6
In which window it is combined? You mean File info box?https://i.imgur.com/Mm3wBAk.png
Read more...Great 2.6 update, few suggestions:1. I would rename these buttons to "Lyrics/Comment/Info"https://i.imgur.com/CAHNL8s.png2. I would replace (R) and (L) https://i.imgur.com/L0RwihA.png with icons as in other places https://i.imgur.com/1h4vnZ7.png3. I would increase the accuracy of the circular progress bar in the miniplayer, the current one has quite few stepshttps://i.imgur.com/IVRwZu1.png4. Invisible/unnecessary button in the Lyrics/Comment window when there are no lyrics or commenthttps://i.imgur.com/fahiCmH.png5. Alternative panel with quick search is inconsistent with the default one - different size of the bar, background color, no rounding, especially with No back buttons. The change would be enough to add two additional separated buttons, without changing the appearance of the entire panel. Also, it shouldn't work for Playlist Tabs - Bookmark/Stripe/Marker.6. I would make the Artist tag a little bigger/bold in the main player, but not bigger than the Titlehttps://i.imgur.com/h8wkzEa.png7. I would add info about the file to the main player as an option, i.e. add in the settings the option to select one of three - album/rating/info https://i.imgur.com/BswSDAT.pngThe info template would be taken from the settings https://i.imgur.com/YrZuEE5.png8. Is it possible to make a playlist scrollbar as an overlay, so that it does not take up space horizontally? It would appear above the playlist only after moving the cursor on the playlist or when the playlist was scrolled. It would disappear when cursor not moved/player out of focus.https://i.imgur.com/KrW7FMj.png
5. I don't understand
Read more...- when "Playlist tabs" is set to "Bookmark/Stripe/Marker" then "Alternative" setting of "Panel with quick search" makes no sense and shouldn't work at all:https://i.imgur.com/iTiPJBq.gif- when "Playlist tabs" is set to "Left" or "Right" then "Alternative" setting of "Panel with quick search" also changes the appearance unnecessarily, instead of only adding two additional buttons.https://i.imgur.com/CD7pMQ5.gifhttps://i.imgur.com/3s9zs1x.gifSame things for Music Library bottom panel.
8. No, but you can disable the icon for collapsing groups, it will be more compact https://imgur.com/rSLPUMv