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Hallo, wish you all happy holidays,sorry i dont speak Russian so i will write on english.First of all i want to thanks developer for this great plug in.Second i have one problem:When i play some songs they dont want to be played, player just play next song, and in shuffle mode when player accidentally came on then he goes to next song again, and i know i listened them whit aimp, now i dont know what is wrong....So if any one have some solution for this problem i would be grateful.Happy holidays one more time!
When i play some songs they dont want to be played, player just play next song, and in shuffle mode when player accidentally came on then he goes to next song again, and i know i listened them whit aimp, now i dont know what is wrong....Happy holidays one more time!
Aimp 4.12/1880
From what source this build has been downloaded? Is it the public 1880 build from site from January 6?
did you try the newest version?
Using 1.0RC4 + Aimp 4.12/1880 some songs play but after skipping 10-20 songs in row. Most of the songs don't playI also get this error sometimes: Code: -1 (FFFFFFFF)Message: Unknown Error-------------------------HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenLast-Modified: Wed, 02 May 2007 10:26:10 GMTContent-Type: text/plainContent-Length: 0Connection: closeX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffDate: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 14:06:13 GMTServer: gvs 1.0Adding this song via URL: creates the error above ^
AdrianEddy, нет ли в планах внедрить плагин в фонотеку? Добавить поиск по базе YouTube, отображения плейлистов в дереве группировки?И ещё, список каналов на который подписан.
I just want to know how to install this plugin.I downloaded the file but I don't know where to unzip it and where to go from there.
если добавлять ссылку из командной строки, то название видео не появляется. Это можно исправить?
Подозреваю, что ссылка добавляется как обычное радио. И, думаю, со стороны плагина это не обойти.