Обложки в стадии разработки / Skins in the development stage / Re: Furious
« on: January 09, 2008, 22:05:49 »
только имхо прямойгольник смотрится лучше, чем квадрат)))

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menu channel,query {
Управление Aimp: /dialog -mdo aimp aimp
on *:DIALOG:aimp:init:*: {
did -z aimp 14 0 100
did -c aimp 14 $calc($vol(master)/655.35)
did -i aimp 5 1 Volume $+ $chr(32) $+ $round($calc($vol(master) / 65535 * 100),0) $+ %
set %aimvteen std1
if ($dde(mPlug,var_name) == $null) { /dialog -t aimp No Track | halt }
/dialog -t aimp $dde(mPlug,var_name) ***
set %aimp.name $replace($dde(mPlug,var_name),$chr(32),$chr(95))
.timeraimpname 0 1 aimp.name
on *:DIALOG:aimp:close:*: {
.timeraimpname off
unset %aimvteen
dialog aimp {
title "Aimp Player Controller"
size -1 -1 241 19
option dbu
button "Play", 1, 21 7 19 10
button "Next", 2, 59 7 19 10
button "Prev", 3, 2 7 19 10
button "Pause", 4, 40 7 19 10
box "Volume", 5, 121 0 104 18
box "Aimp Controller", 6, 1 0 78 18
box "Other", 7, 80 0 40 18
button "Track", 8, 81 7 19 10
box "Track Tag", 9, 1 18 239 86
button "Save", 10, 100 7 19 10, group
edit "", 11, 3 26 167 10, read
scroll "Volume", 14, 123 8 100 8, horizontal
button "More", 15, 225 3 15 15
text "kHz", 17, 89 93 24 8
text "of", 19, 148 93 6 8
text "Author", 20, 3 72 234 8
text "Title", 21, 3 82 234 8
box "Tag Info", 34, 1 64 239 40
button "About", 23, 185 93 25 8
text "total", 24, 155 93 25 8
text "Text Label", 25, 3 46 234 15
box "Track Patch", 26, 1 37 239 27
text "size", 27, 215 27 24 8
button "Close", 29, 212 93 25 8, cancel
button "Select", 30, 4 93 25 8
button "Search", 31, 31 93 25 8
button "Reload", 32, 58 93 25 8
text "Time", 12, 173 27 12 8
text "Bitrate", 13, 187 27 20 8
text "numer", 18, 121 93 25 8, right
on *:DIALOG:aimp:scroll:14: {
vol -v $calc($did(14).sel * 655.35)
did -i aimp 5 1 Volume $+ $chr(32) $+ $round($calc($vol(master) / 65535 * 100),0) $+ %
on *:DIALOG:aimp:sclick:*: {
if ( $did == 1 ) { if (%aimp_play == no) { dde mPlug control play | set %aimp_play yes | did -ra aimp 1 Stop | halt } | dde mPlug control stop | set %aimp_play no | did -ra aimp 1 Play }
if ( $did == 2 ) { dde mPlug control > }
if ( $did == 3 ) { dde mPlug control < }
if ( $did == 4 ) { writeini temp.ini client play no | dde mPlug control pause }
if ( $did == 8 ) { ame 10слушает: [7 $+ $dde(mPlug,var_name) $+ 10] [kbps7 $dde(mPlug,var_br) $+ 10] [7 $did(aimp,12) 10] }
if ( $did == 10 ) { var %ntr $readini temp.ini client ntr | var %ntp $calc(%ntr + 1) | }
if ( $did == 15 ) {
var %sizex $dialog(aimp).x
var %sizey $dialog(aimp).y
if (%aimvteen == std1) {
set %aimvteen std2
/did -ra aimp 15 More
/dialog -s aimp %sizex %sizey 482 76
if (%aimvteen == std2) {
set %aimvteen wide1
/dialog -s aimp %sizex %sizey 482 130
/did -ra aimp 15 Full
if (%aimvteen == wide1) {
set %aimvteen wide3
/dialog -s aimp %sizex %sizey 482 210
/did -ra aimp 15 Min
if (%aimvteen == wide3) {
set %aimvteen std1
/dialog -s aimp %sizex %sizey 482 38
/did -ra aimp 15 More
if ( $did == 32 ) { aimp_updfull }
alias aimp_upd {
set %aimp_time $dde(mPlug,var_min)
if ($left(%aimp_time,1) == 0) { set %aimp_time $right(%aimp_time,1) }
var %aimp_ftime %aimp_time $+ $chr(58) $+ $dde(mPlug,var_sec)
did -ra aimp 12 %aimp_ftime
did -ra aimp 13 $dde(mPlug,var_br) $+ kbps
did -ra aimp 11 $dde(mPlug,var_name)
did -ra aimp 27 $dde(mPlug,var_fl) Mb
alias aimp.supd {
if (%aimp.track == $dde(mPlug,var_name)) { set %aimp.track $dde(mPlug,var_name) | halt }
/dialog -t aimp $dde(mPlug,var_name) *** | set %aimp.name $replace($dde(mPlug,var_name),$chr(32),$chr(95))
set %aimp.track $dde(mPlug,var_name)
alias aimp.name {
;set %aimp.fn $replace(%aimp.name,$chr(95),$chr(32))
dialog -t aimp $replace(%aimp.name,$chr(95),$chr(32))
;dialog -t aimp %aimp.name
alias aimp.wait.first {
set %aimp.fs $left(%aimp.name,1)
set %aimp.name $right(%aimp.name,$calc($len(%aimp.name) - 1)) $+ $chr(95) $+ *** $+ $chr(95) $+ %aimp.fs
;.timeraimpname 1 2 aimp.name
alias aimp.wait {
set %aimp.fs $left(%aimp.name,1)
set %aimp.name $right(%aimp.name,$calc($len(%aimp.name) - 1)) $+ %aimp.fs
;.timeraimpname 1 2 aimp.name
alias aimp_updfull {
did -ra aimp 25 $dde(mPlug,var_fn)
did -ra aimp 20 $dde(mPlug,var_1)
did -ra aimp 21 $dde(mPlug,var_2)
did -ra aimp 17 $dde(mPlug,var_sr) kHz
did -ra aimp 18 $dde(mPlug,var_pos)
did -ra aimp 24 $dde(mPlug,var_ll)