Предложения / Suggestions / Merge Missing Song from Library
« on: August 18, 2018, 19:57:15 »
Hello Mr. Artem Izmaylov
I am in Love with your Player for many year now
i've suggestion i wish you consider
i'am relaying on music library a lot and its statics i have a habit of rearrange my music folder from time to time
the last time i did that i forget to configure aimp library now i have the same songs twice in my db
when i try the misplaced files it tells me the file is already in the database
can you please made a option to merge this database the online and offline files together ( location and playing count)
Thank you Either way you accept or decline
I am in Love with your Player for many year now
i've suggestion i wish you consider
i'am relaying on music library a lot and its statics i have a habit of rearrange my music folder from time to time
the last time i did that i forget to configure aimp library now i have the same songs twice in my db
when i try the misplaced files it tells me the file is already in the database
can you please made a option to merge this database the online and offline files together ( location and playing count)
Thank you Either way you accept or decline