Разработка / Development / Re: Спектр
« on: May 04, 2012, 23:13:55 »
Спасибо Артем

This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to.
Constructor TSpectrum.Create(Width, Height : Integer);
VisBuff := TBitmap.Create;
BackBmp := TBitmap.Create;
VisBuff.Width := Width;
VisBuff.Height := Height;
BackBmp.Width := Width;
BackBmp.Height := Height;
BkgColor := clBlack;
SpecHeight := 100;
PenColor := clWhite;
PeakColor := clYellow;
DrawType := 0;
DrawRes := 1;
FrmClear := True;
UseBkg := False;
PeakFall := 1;
LineFall := 3;
ColWidth := 5;
ShowPeak := True;
procedure TSpectrum.SetBackGround (Active : Boolean; BkgCanvas : TGraphic);
UseBkg := Active;
BackBmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, BkgCanvas);
procedure TSpectrum.Draw(HWND : THandle; FFTData : TFFTData; X, Y : Integer);
var i, YPos : LongInt; YVal : Single;
if FrmClear then begin
VisBuff.Canvas.Pen.Color := BkgColor;
VisBuff.Canvas.Brush.Color := BkgColor;
VisBuff.Canvas.Rectangle(0, 0, VisBuff.Width, VisBuff.Height);
if UseBkg then VisBuff.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, BackBmp.Width, BackBmp.Height), BackBmp.Canvas, Rect(0, 0, BackBmp.Width, BackBmp.Height));
VisBuff.Canvas.Pen.Color := PenColor;
for i := 0 to 20 do begin
YVal := Abs(FFTData[(i * DrawRes)+256 div 20 -10 ]);
YPos := Trunc((YVal) * 250);
if YPos > Height then YPos := SpecHeight;
if YPos >= FFTPeacks[i] then FFTPeacks[i] := YPos
else FFTPeacks[i] := FFTPeacks[i] - PeakFall;
if YPos >= FFTFallOff[i] then FFTFallOff[i] := YPos
else FFTFallOff[i] := FFTFallOff[i] - LineFall;
if (VisBuff.Height - FFTPeacks[i]) > VisBuff.Height then FFTPeacks[i] := 0;
if (VisBuff.Height - FFTFallOff[i]) > VisBuff.Height then FFTFallOff[i] := 0;
case DrawType of
0 : begin
VisBuff.Canvas.MoveTo(X + i, Y + VisBuff.Height);
VisBuff.Canvas.LineTo(X + i, Y + VisBuff.Height - FFTFallOff[i]);
if ShowPeak then VisBuff.Canvas.Pixels[X + i, Y + VisBuff.Height - FFTPeacks[i]] := Pen;
1 : begin
if ShowPeak then VisBuff.Canvas.Pen.Color := PeakColor;
if ShowPeak then VisBuff.Canvas.MoveTo(X + i * (ColWidth + 1), Y + VisBuff.Height - FFTPeacks[i]);
if ShowPeak then VisBuff.Canvas.LineTo(X + i * (ColWidth + 1) + ColWidth, Y + VisBuff.Height - FFTPeacks[i]);
VisBuff.Canvas.Pen.Color := PenColor;
VisBuff.Canvas.Brush.Color := PenColor;
VisBuff.Canvas.Rectangle(X + i * (ColWidth + 1), Y + VisBuff.Height - FFTFallOff[i], X + i * (ColWidth + 1) + ColWidth, Y + VisBuff.Height);
BitBlt(HWND, 0, 0, VisBuff.Width, VisBuff.Height, VisBuff.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, srccopy)