Change Log » AIMP for Windows
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Common change log

Advanced search: the "clear queue" menu item has been added

Audio converter: APE Encoder - support for 32-bit per sample mode

Audio converter: APE Encoder - support for multiple channel audio files

Common: BASS libraries has been updated

Default skin: information box - added an ability to hide extra information pane

Default skin: information box - added the lyricist tag field

General: added support for images in WebP format (you need to put the libwebp.dll to app folder)

General: native x64 support

General: localizations has been updated

General: value of quick search is now resets on app restart

General: visual appearance of settings window has been updated

Installer: 7z SFX module is no longer used, because it not liked by certain antivirus software

Music Library: local files - two new templates: "best tracks" and "new tracks"

Player: ability to customize speed / tempo step

Player: the %chapter macro has been added for playing file

Playlist: XSPF - support for relative paths in preimage settings

Playlist: XSPF format became the default playlist format

Playlist: the "select enabled" command has been added

Playlist: the "start playback" command has been added to context menu of playlist tab that makes easier to resume it playback

Playlists: export to XSPF file format

Plugins: BASS_APE - support for 32-bit audio

Plugins: MyClouds - support for WebDAV for

Plugins: InputFFmpeg - the FFmpeg libraries has been updated to v4.3.3

Plugins: MyClouds - templates for the services that does not support for content-range command has been removed

Plugins: tak_deco_lib has been updated to v2.3.3 (64-bit version has been added)

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved

Skin engine: improve support of Aero Snap

Skin engine: snapping window bounds during resizing to bounds of other windows

Tag editor: replaygain - added an ability to scan folder as single album

Tag editor: change case - now the rule can be applied to selected part only

Tag editor: compatibility with Windows Explorer has been improved

Tag editor: online search - discogs - support of the "disk number", "part of compilation", "styles" and "comments" tag fields

Tags: encoding detection algorithm has been improved

UI: ability to auto-adjust color schema to accent color of Windows Theme

Fixed: Audio converter - the "target file name" column does not take encoding mode and chapters into account

Fixed: general - certain functions ignores the ANSI-codepage setting value

Fixed: general - files that full path more 260 symbols cannot be played on Windows 10

Fixed: installer - no license agreement text is displayed if app is running via RDP

Fixed: playlist manager - preimage changes are not applied (regression)

Fixed: playlists - M3U8 - entry's title is ignored if the entry has no timestamp

Fixed: playlists - XSPF - image links are not loaded

Fixed: plugins - API - album art providers that does not supports for "unknown" interface cannot be registered in repository

Fixed: plugins - BASS_AAC - opening certain M4A files lead to stack overflow that lead to app crash (regression)

Fixed: plugins - BASS_AAC - opening certain M4A files with ALAC codec lead to the "unsupported file format" error

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - CUE files from cannot be catched

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - app hangs up if cloud server does not support for content-range command

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - the "find on the Internet" and the "Maximum file size to download" are affects to cloud storage

Fixed: plugins - SACD - certain DSDIFF files with DST-compression cannot be played

Fixed: plugins - information bar - toolbar icons has incorrect order for 150% UI scaling factor

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - player jumps one track back after process the "play file" action that has been started by "on end of track" event

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - repeat thought day works incorrectly, if time range is set to 24 hours

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - the "start recording" action does not wait while new stream being loaded if app is playing another radio stream.

Fixed: skin engine - snap to screen edges due resize the window works incorrectly (regrepssion)

Fixed: skin engine - touch-scrolling of vertical playlists tabs is inverted

Fixed: skin engine - window border flicks on activate/deactivate the window if the "allow per pixel semitransparency" is switched off (regression)

Fixed: smart-playlists - null-values of data-time fields are stored to configuration file incorrectly

Fixed: sound engine - ASIO - app crashes on attempt to initialize unavailable device if it driver suppresses exceptions (was found on iBasso devices)

Fixed: sound engine - FLAC - 8-bit audio produces noise instead of sound

Fixed: tag editor - an error occurs on attempt to invoke the "unknown tag fields" dialog if system's UI scaling factor is set to 100%

Fixed: tag editor - sometime it starts without a list of sent files

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