Change Log » AIMP for Windows
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AIMP v4.02.1725 (11.06.2016)

Playlist: ability import playlists in the WPL format

Plugins: compatibility with plugins from v2.60 has been improved

Fixed: common - tray icon display options are resets after restart the application

Fixed: tag editor - resizing album art changes the image file format

Fixed: music library - poor performance in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.02.1721 (30.05.2016)

General: 3rd party libraries were updated

Fixed: common - the %FileFormat macro does not work correctly for URLs

Fixed: playlist - advanced search - search by multiple keywords in different tag fields works incorrectly

Fixed: tag editor - APEv2 - multi-line fields saves incorrectly if their data contains ";" symbol

Fixed: tag editor - displays last cover from the files instead of the front cover

Fixed: music library - an error occurs when populating the list of possible values for filter by column

Fixed: music library - hangs on application start up in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.02.1717 (08.05.2016)

Plugins: analog meter - no limitation for pointer angle

Plugins: analog meter - ability to specify different textures and parameters for left and right units

Fixed: plugins - analog meter - founded bugs were fixed

Fixed: plugins - API - the does not work (regression)

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.02.1713 (26.04.2016)

Plugins: analog meter - support for custom skins

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

Fixed: common - app cannot be started in compatibility mode (regression)

Fixed: player - album arts does not displayed for images + CUE (regression)

Fixed: tags - MP4 - the rating tag field is not supported

Fixed: music library - the "(show all)" command ignores alphabetic index in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.02.1711 (17.04.2016)

Sound engine: added support for wave64 file format (PCM and IEEE_FLOAT codecs are supported)

Sound engine: spectrum data has a logarithmic scale now

Sound engine: spectrum data is now calculates for hearing range of frequencies only (20 hz - 20 KHz)

Playlist: ability to switch playlist via context menu of the playlist tab

UI: table elements - changing the sorting direction of column that used in data grouping affects now to groups position too

Plugins: analog meter - all textures adapted for FullHD screens

Album arts: cache manager now takes album year into account

Fixed: AudioConverter - MP3 - the VBR header was not stored to the target file

Fixed: AudioConverter - MP3 - the joint stereo mode is always used if bitrate mode is set to the CBR / ABR

Fixed: DSP manager - volume normalization settings are resets too when reset sound effects settings

Fixed: player - internet radio - the HTML-codes displays instead of human-readable text for some radio stations

Fixed: player - the "0.00 db" value of the replaygain field recognized by player as undefined

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs if cancel the input query for name for new playlist during import the file from external application operation

Fixed: skin engine - TASESpectrumDisplay - column count changes after resize the element

Fixed: skin engine - window resize rectangle does not snap to monitor edge if taskbar is hidden

Fixed: music library - the "(show all)" command ignores alphabetic index

Fixed: music library - filters - the "contains" operator is case sensitive for non-latin characters

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.01.1705 (19.03.2016)

Fixed: bookmarks - selected bookmarks removes after sorting via drag-n-drop (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - some skins from AIMP3 loads incorrectly (regression)

Fixed: UI - in-place editing does not work in table elements (regression)

AIMP v4.01.1703 (15.03.2016)

General: the FIJO flat icons are now default file icons (thanks to zigar)

Audio converter: the "file name" column has been added

Playlist: the "import entire folder if one file is sent" option has been introduced in the "open files from external applications" category

Playlist: reloading file tags in the playlist now updates these files in the database of music library

Music library: ability to add selected files to bookmarks

Music library: ability to replace rating in DB from tags when updating information about the files if the "synchronize user mark with file tags" option is switched on

Music library: ability to drag group via album art thumbnail

Music library: algorithm of files monitor has been improved

Fixed: common - CUE parser ignores apostrophe at the beginning or end of the value

Fixed: player - the "%index"macro skipped when copying file information to clipboard

Fixed: smart-playlists - automatic synchronization does not work (regression)

Fixed: tag editor - focused item is always processed even if it not selected

Fixed: music library - click at the "mark" column via MMB or RMB changes the value

Fixed: music library - labels in context menu are not sorted by name

Fixed: music library - no way to scroll list of labels via scroll bar if one of labels is selected

Fixed: music library - adding / updating process interrupts if an error occurred when processing one of files

Fixed: music library - filtering works incorrectly if one of filters contains a NOT OR / NOT AND operations

Fixed: UI - tables with groups - an error occurs when deleting the content of group and group is focused

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1697 (22.02.2016)

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

Playlist: the "%!" macro is now affects to next macro, not to entire formatting line

Fixed: playlist - loses focus after quick search

Fixed: tag editor - some genres are duplicated after the re-opening of the window

Fixed: tag editor - an AV exception occurs sometimes when renaming group of files

Fixed: music library - navigation via short links does works incorrectly (regression)

Fixed: music library - table view - sorting resets to defaults after restart the app

Fixed: plugins - API - an error in the IAIMPExtensionPlaybackQueue.OnSelect method (regression)

Fixed: plugins - - no line breaks for details in the "track information" dialog

AIMP v4.00.1695 (14.02.2016)

Fixed: music library - customized layout of columns is not saved

AIMP v4.00.1694 (14.02.2016)

General: digital signature has been updated

Audio converter: list of templates for NeroAAC has been extended

Fixed: common - CUE parser cannot determine fields with multiple values in some cases

Fixed: player - application hangs when switching tracks on radio stations that broadcast in the format FLAC

Fixed: bookmarks - position does not saved after manual sorting in the dialog

Fixed: UI - table elements - multiple selection via selection rectangle works buggly

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: audio converter - cannot scroll the list with files if converting process is active

Fixed: audio converter - stores tags to the MusePack in the ID3v2 format instead of the APEv2 format.

Fixed: audio converter - click the "jump to folder" button opens the plugins directory if path is empty

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - does not display information from some tag fields if file was exported from the audacity app

Fixed: tag editor - application hangs when trying to edit file with corrupted album art

Fixed: tag editor - replaygain calculation works incorrectly in mode "get album from tags"

Fixed: music library - an error occurs when window redraws if grouping tree is in loading data process

Fixed: music library - smart-playlists - poor performance for lists with multiple filters

Fixed: music library - custom grouping templates works incorrectly

Fixed: music library - application hangs in some cases when removing multiple files from folder that monitored by music library

Fixed: music library - value of option that switch off recursive scanning for folder was resets after restart the app

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1687 (18.01.2016)

Skin engine: seek bar - hint with position under mouse cursor now appears

Fixed: common - the "move to..." command does not work for playing file

Fixed: UI - table elements - selection of all items via ctrl+a shortcut moves focus to first item

Fixed: playlists manager - an empty playlists were created when moving few folders via drag-n-drop to playlists list

Fixed: player - internet radio - meta information changed too early than track really started

Fixed: tag editor - OGG / FLAC / OPUS - multi-line fields saves incorrectly if their data contains ";" symbol

Fixed: skin engine - default frame index of TASEAnimator element always equals to 0 even if binding is defined

Fixed: skin engine - few compatibility issues with old skins were fixed

Fixed: skin engine - localizations for custom context menus was not refreshed in real-time

Fixed: skin engine - hint in music library table / playlist blinks when running under windows 7 if desktop composition is disabled

Fixed: skin engine - window content was not refreshed after changing the element placement from script

Fixed: music library - import data base from AIMP3 - files from network locations cannot be imported

Fixed: music library - the "find in music library" command does not work if the "no grouping" mode is selected

Fixed: music library - playback accounting works incorrectly if playback speed different from default value

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1683 (29.12.2015)

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved

Fixed: common - application hangs in some cases on closing, and continuing playback of playlist

Fixed: player - encoding of online-stream in ukrainian detects incorrectly

Fixed: player - files from CUE sheets cannot be send to tag editor app

Fixed: skin engine - calculating the waveform for seekbar can be canceled spontaneously in some cases

Fixed: music library - RMB at content of the "labels" column displays common context menu instead of menu for labels

Fixed: music library - the "check for new files at application start up" function does not work in some cases

Fixed: music library - scrolling via gestures does not work

AIMP v4.00.1680 (22.12.2015)

UI: ability to switch on countdown in context menu of seek bar

UI: the bliss dark skin has been added

Fixed: common - the app does not work on some computers because of crash in the libsoxr.dll / aimp_vorbis.dll

Fixed: common - CUE parser ignores delimiter symbols in unquoted field values (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - playlist name after rename does not updated in visible skin elements

Fixed: tag editor - the replaygain from file with CUE sheet does not show in the "information about file" dialog

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1678 (15.12.2015)

Fixed: playlists manager - manual sorting does not work

Fixed: player - tracker music - noise appears on some files after seeking

Fixed: playlists - newly added playlists via dran-n-drop always moved at the end of list

Fixed: skin - album art from the playing file is displaying in card with information about the file from playlist

Fixed: skin engine - the "smooth transparency" option sometimes works incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - click via right mouse button at running line displays context menu of window in addition to dialog with information about playing file

Fixed: music library - grouping tree - double click at selected node does not collapse / expand it

Fixed: music library - the "local files" tab header is not drop target for files unlike playlists tabs

Fixed: music library - smart-playlist - value that equals to "rating" of the "sort by field" option resets after restart the application

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1675 RC 3 (30.11.2015)

Options dialog: the "OK" button has been added

Options dialog: multiple selection in skin chooser frame

Playlist: added an ability to rescan tags for selected files only

Audio converter: MP3 encoder - added an ability to select target sample rate

Tag editor: ability to select all types of tags by one click

Fixed: playlist - M3U - parser works with comments incorrectly

Fixed: skin - no window context menu in mini player

Fixed: skin engine - changing the hue processes incorrectly for fonts of some elements

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: music library - AIMP3 DB import - labels cannot be imported

Fixed: plugins - SACD - seeking works incorrectly when playing file that size more than 4 GB

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1670 RC 2 (13.11.2015)

Audio converter: ability to switch off grouping

General: CUE parser - support for multiple values fields

Tag editor: added an ability to store custom values to list of the "genre" edit field

Fixed: playlists manager - an error occurs when click on delete button that available if the "remove playlist when closing tab" options is switched on

Fixed: skin engine - a space character has been added to text box when focusing it via TAB key

Fixed: skin engine - backward navigation via shift+tab key does not work

Fixed: skin engine - options that allows to temporary switch off transparency of window conflicts with desktop toolbar mode

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when closing the application, if mouse cursor is located under docked child window

Fixed: skin engine - TASEPanel - context menu does not work

Fixed: skin engine - TASEVisualDisplay - hit-test mask ignored if visualization is active

Fixed: music library - an error occurs when trying to set mark to few files

Fixed: music library - an incorrect drive for tracks is displayed in some cases

Fixed: plugins - few minor issues in new version of API

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1667 RC 1 (30.10.2015)

Fixed: common - browse folder dialog - name of parent folder is lost after create the new folder

Fixed: common - problems with closing the application via context menu of app button at taskbar

Fixed: common - URL cannot be moved from one playlist to other via drag-n-drop

Fixed: player - internet-radio - cyrillic symbols does not detected correctly in some cases

Fixed: playlist - managing playlists dialog - double click at scroll bar selects playlist item under it

Fixed: playlist - dropping playlist file to the playlist tabs area does not import it as playlist file

Fixed: skin engine - hint for the bookmark in the drop down bookmarks menu was not skinned

Fixed: skin engine - hint for playlist item does not take zoom factor into account

Fixed: advanced search - the "index in queue" column is too small by default

Fixed: advanced search - selected track starts playing by double-clicking at separator between columns

Fixed: music library - local hotkeys that contains only the SHIFT modifier does not work

Fixed: music library - the "composer" tag field does work with multiple values

Fixed: music library - folder that dropped to grouping tree, adds to the "default" playlist and starts playing automatically

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1663 Beta 4 (16.10.2015)

Plugins: API for plugins has been updated to v4

Fixed: player - the "stop after current" function does not work for internet radio

Fixed: skin engine - window size restores incorrectly in some cases at application startup

Fixed: tag editor - application hangs while saving the changes in some cases

Fixed: tag editor - no icon for "rename file" button

Fixed: music library - report - the "album artist" field is used for the "top albums" section

Fixed: music library - table scrolls to beginning after changing mark in table

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1658 Beta 3 (26.09.2015)

Music library: performance of rating calculation algorithm has been increased by two orders

Fixed: playlist - remove file confirmation dialog appears unfocused if application is inactive (regression)

Fixed: playlist - collapsed group cannot be unselected via keyboard in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - music library - click via right mouse button closes menu and does not open it again

Fixed: music library - selection in the "missplaced files" dialog does not work

Fixed: music library - add already indexed files to DB in some cases

Fixed: plugins - - tracks that contains a "&" symbol cannot be scrobbled (regression)

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1655 Beta 3 (20.09.2015)

Smart-playlists: added an ability to sort files after adding to playlist via user defined template

Tag editor: added an ability to copy / paste album art images to / from the system clipboard

Music library: added an ability to combine an empty levels in grouping tree in the "no grouping" mode

Music library: added an ability to find misplaced files automatically

Music library: added an ability to delete automatically non-existed files from data base

Music library: added an ability to send selected files from grouping tree to selected playlist

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

General: parser for CUE formats now ignores an empty fields

Playlist: performance of builder for shuffle queue has been increased at 3 times

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved

Fixed: common - tables - no an ability to start selection via mouse by clicking at empty space of control

Fixed: playlist - quick search - no an ability to navigate between items via cursors

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs when clicking at the header of group in some cases

Fixed: playlist - title of confirmation dialog window contains information about the playable file instead of application title

Fixed: playlist - selection of group of files works incorrectly if content has been filtered

Fixed: player - running line does not updated after changing the track mark

Fixed: player - internet-radio - macro selection menu woks incorrectly

Fixed: player - application hangs when trying to play some corrupted WAV-files.

Fixed: player - equalizer - preamp line is not visible

Fixed: skin engine - mini-player window that docked to screen edge does not hide automatically

Fixed: skin engine - no way to restore the AIMP by click via middle mouse button at tray icon

Fixed: skin engine - dock area was not highlighted when dock the child window to top edge of master window

Fixed: skin engine - window was not maximized after double click at the title area, if docked window is placed in this area.

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: default skin - waveform is displaying when listening radio station, even if the "show waveform over the seek bar" option is switched off

Fixed: default skin - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: tag editor - an error occurs in some cases when trying to save changes if player is running

Fixed: music library - grouping tree - the "no grouping" mode is case sensitive

Fixed: music library - playback cannot be started via double click at table

Fixed: music library - no information about the virtual files in the "information about file"dialog

Fixed: music library - few button does not have tool tips

Fixed: music library - sorting by the "file size" field works incorrectly

Fixed: music library - total duration of files in table calculates incorrectly

Fixed: plugins - - tracks that contains a "%" symbol cannot be scrobbled

Fixed: plugins - - no information about the user in the "information about file" dialog

AIMP v4.00.1650 Beta 2 (31.08.2015)

Music library: now the data are loaded for visible columns only

General: macro names in menu with macro list are highlighted now via bold font

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - added support of replaygain settings

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - performance of calculation has been improved

Music library: performance of the "search new files" operation has been improved

Fixed: common - an error occurs in some cases when closing the application that could lead to hang of the application

Fixed: common - menu with macro list does not work for formatting line for internet radio capture

Fixed: playlist - tooltip for truncated text of item does not allow to set user rating for track

Fixed: playlist - the "insert after current" command removes tracks from read only playlists

Fixed: playlist - application hangs when trying to set user mark for group of files

Fixed: tag editor - wrong information is displayed in main window for selected track if editor was not load information about it

Fixed: skin - height of caption bar of visualization window is differs from height of caption bar of other secondary windows

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when restoring the minimized fixed window

Fixed: skin engine - mini-player appears again after change the skin to another

Fixed: skin engine - scroll bar does not react on click via middle mouse button

Fixed: skin engine - user can resize window via right and middle mouse buttons

Fixed: skin engine - size of main window is changed in some cases after restore the minimized window

Fixed: skin engine - background color of AlbumArt element loads incorrectly for skins from AIMP3

Fixed: music library - wrong order of files when moving them into a playlist via drag-n-drop

Fixed: music library - value of the album artist field does not take into account for grouping

Fixed: music library - hiding a column does not reset the sorting by this column

Fixed: music library - hiding a column does not reset the column filter

Fixed: music library sends to editor non-existent files

Fixed: plugins - - no support for tag fields with multiple values

Fixed: plugins - - duration of track does not sent to server

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1647 Beta 2 (18.08.2015)

Sound engine: support for 352 kHz sampling rate

General: hints are now displayed when changing the slider in the DSP-manager dialog via mouse wheel or keyboard

General: formatting templates - list of available functions moved to sub-menu

Default skin: added an ability to reduce main window width to 450 px

Skin engine: playlist - hint is now appears for truncated items

Skin engine: loading speed has been increased for skins in the ACS4 format

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - wave creation progress is now displayed

Music library: grouping tree preset editor - drag-n-drop support has been added

Music library: grouping tree preset editor - multi-select functionality has been added

Fixed: playlists manager - an error occurs when loading inactive playlist via click by checkbox in the group header

Fixed: playlist manager - an error occurs when trying to import folders as playlist, if one of loaded playlist is folder based smart-playlist

Fixed: player - an error occurs when trying to delete equalizer preset

Fixed: playlist - adding the files - progress of the "find files" operation is not displaying

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - parser does not work correctly with multiple values fields

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs in some cases during fading finalization in the TabControl element

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when loading a skin that uses a blur effect

Fixed: skin engine - hue intensity incorrectly applied to shared textures

Fixed: skin engine - elements draws incorrectly if they placed over the masked BluredGlass element

Fixed: skin engine - behavior of scroll bars in the elements of music library is differs from behavior of scroll bar in playlist

Fixed: skin engine - elements of music library - incremental search does not override the local hotkeys

Fixed: skin engine - waveform-navigator cuts off the wave of playable track in some cases

Fixed: music library - an error occurs if hide all columns

Fixed: music library - grouping by date works incorrectly

Fixed: music library - rescan tags does not work with edited CUE files

Fixed: music library - does not work under windows XP

Fixed: music library - some settings cannot be stored to configuration file

Fixed: music library works with read-only playlists incorrectly

Fixed: music library - no hint for truncated text of currently using grouping tree preset

Fixed: music library - filter editor saves nested levels incorrectly

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1645 Beta 1 (08.08.2015)

General: version number of application has been removed from names of binaries

General: macros - one-letter / two-letter names of macros are replaced with friendly names

General: macros - list of macros for playable file has been expanded, following macros has been added: %AlbumGain, %TrackGain and %lyrics

General: macros - list of functions for text manipulation has been expanded

General: the "copy to" / "move to" functionality - ability to save folder structure

UI: new design of application

UI: windows animation no longer inhibits UI

UI: scrollbar thumb jumps to previous position when mouse cursor leaves scrollbar zone

Player: ability to limit number of attempts to reconnect to internet-radio station when connection is lost

Playlist: quick search - algorithm has been changed: the content that isn't satisfying to a search string hides now

Playlist: the "move to..." functionality has been introduced

Playlist: the "find in music library" command has been added

Playlist: smart playlists - ability to build playlist based on data from music library with an ability to filter and group data

Playlist: smart playlists - ability to build playlist based on one or few directories

Playlist: smart playlists - synchronization with pre-image is now works in separate thread

Playlist: playlist files are now imports each into separate tab if the "open files from external applications" option set to "create new playlist".

Playlists manager: ability to view size and duration summaries of selected playlists

Playlists manager: drag-n-drop support for the preview window has been added

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Tags: added support for multiple values for APEv2, ID3v2, vorbis comments and M4A tags formats

Audio converter: support for aften.exe command-line encoder for AC3 format has been added (thanks to Soolo)

Music library: integrated into the main application

Music library: "the" article isn't cut out when adding files in a DB any more

Music library: ability to save user mark to tags of file automatically (optional)

Music library: ability to specify different columns set for table and card views

Music library: ability to adjust height of the alphabetic index control

Music library: ability to set user-defined filter for grouping preset

Music library: ability to drag album by its album art

Music library: ability to scroll song list via mouse wheel without focusing of it

Music library: ability to fast scroll via mouse wheel if ctrl key is pressed

Music library: report generator - support of fields with multiple values has been added

Music library: the "move to..." functionality has been added

Music library: file name column displays a name of file without path now

Music library: alphabetic index is now supported for all fields

Music library: skin support has been added

Music library: the "no grouping" mode - ability to fill song list from current folder only (without sub-folders)

Music library: support of network files has been improved

Plugins: scheduler - sleep timer - ability to fade out volume

Plugins: scheduler - the "OK" button has been added

Plugins: SACD - ISO - now the plugin displays both stereo and 5.1 tracks

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